Terror Friday

The Bush administration continued its practice of announcing dramatic terror plots against the United States on Friday.

Cable news, as well as the print media are reporting that a man is being held in Beirut, Lebanon, in connection with a plot to blow up tunnels in New York. 

In its Friday editions, the New York Daily News reported that the FBI had revealed a plot to bomb New York’s Holland Tunnel and flood the financial district in lower Manhattan.

Today also happens to be the first anniversary of the London bombings in which four suicide bombers targeted the city’s transportation system, killing 52 people.

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12 Responses to Terror Friday

  1. feminazi says:

    Isn’t intelligence like this supposed to be secret? The Bush administration leaks stories like this one to keep Americans off-base, nervous and passive about the expanded role of the police and government. For me, it’s a big yawn.

  2. The Xsociate says:

    Today also happens to be the first anniversary of the London bombings…


  3. Barking Dog says:

    Remember the Friday morning gun shot saga a month ago?

    It turned out to be a maintenance worker doing repairs to an elevator. The banging sound of a pneumatic hammer shut down the Federal government. What a hoot!

    Well, I’d like to post some more but I’d better run out and buy duct tape. I’m fresh out.

  4. Mike Tidmus says:

    Now that the Bushies know the press and public are wise to their manipulation of the silly homeland insecurity multi-colored index, they have to come up with real (or imagined) plots to scare and control people. Instead of just crying wolf, now they have to produce a bogeymen.

  5. Brigadoon says:

    Am I losing my mind? Did I hear the Washington Press Corp sing happy birthday to this asshole yesterday? Unfucking real.

  6. lighht says:

    ~It’s the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine……………~

  7. zombie says:

    Curiouser and curiouser. There’s nothing like announcing in a loud, global voice what US intelligence detected and what the response was, vis a vis, attacking a major American city. I’m all for transparent government, but WTF is the FBI and the Bush administration thinking broadcasting this story all day long?

  8. VicoDANIEL says:

    I live in the Village, so I guess my little ground floor apt. was about to become waterfront property had the Holland been flooded. So lovely on a hot, humid NY day.

    In all seriousness, I can tell you all what I’m hearing on the streets: a whole lot of eye rolling and whatevers. Real or faux, it would seem that theNew Yorkers I have spoken to today just aren’t buying this ramped up drama. The consesus of opinion is Bush & Co. have played the fear card one too many times and we’re not listening.

    Also, if there was such a potential threat to Manhattan, why did Homeland Security cut Federal funding to protect New York City? It just makes no sense.

  9. Harry says:

    What’s the purpose of telling the world about this? I think it’s designed to be a distraction from something serious like the North Korean missile standoff.

  10. mbmdl says:

    It’s just one big, siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh……………………, like anyone is listening to George any more?

  11. ChiTOM says:


    Chertoff introduced a new Orwellian term today: “threat stream.” Then, he declined to give any details. Huh?

    Chertoff said authorities had taken “immediate steps to disrupt the completion of any plot.” What plot? He refused to provide any details.

    Finally, Chertoff acknowledged that the plot did not pose an imminent threat. But suggested because London was bombed a year ago today, the USA had to marshall the intel forces in a celebratory manner.

    And that’s all the braindead media has reported on all day.

  12. Jim says:


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