The Face of Evil

Image courtesy of Associated Press

EVIL, noun:

  • The quality of being morally bad or wrong; wickedness.
  • That which causes harm, misfortune, or destruction: a leader's power to do both good and evil.
  • An evil force, power, or personification.
  • Something that is a cause or source of suffering, injury, or destruction: the social evils of poverty and injustice.
  • This entry was posted in Bush, Independents, News. Bookmark the permalink.

    12 Responses to The Face of Evil

    1. feminazi says:

      For the longest time I thought I was the only one who felt the chill of evil when Bush speaks. Good then, I’m not alone.

    2. Barking Dog says:

      Totally chilling. I’m sure this is the last image jews saw before the doors of the ovens in the Nazi death camps swung closed.

      Yet, there are still 29% of people who see another face, another image and adore this horrible excuse for a man.

      This, I will never understand.

    3. panasit says:

      I sleep better knowing that after 3 1/2 years, this nutcase has experienced his first human twinge of regret – NOT!

    4. steven keldec says:

      I watched this press conference yesterday and I honestly didn’t buy a word the president or his poodle had to say. In fact, Bush’s remarks recalled criminals I’ve watched on CourtTV during cross examiniation.

    5. Jason G says:

      Cool site. Very political. Yeah, Bush sucks bigtime. You should have more gay related news stories. I’d appreciate it.


    6. Jim says:

      Yikes and double yikes!!!
      Truly horrifying.
      The visage of pure evil.

    7. window scene says:

      History will be harsh to these two idiots.

    8. JDRShaw says:

      I find it highly suspect the day President Bush’s buddy, Ken Lay was convicted of destroying ENRON, he just happened to have a mea culpa press conference with his lap dog, Tony Blair.

      The entire event seemed strained and staged and didn’t ring true.

      Karl Rove is losing his touch.

    9. t. verducci says:

      I read his parents are first cousins or something like that. I think that’s close enough to mess up the chromosomes and produce offspring with brain damage. The guy isn’t normal. Sorry Peggy Noonan!

    10. Don’t you find it amusing that:

      Bush’s approval is 29%

      Blair’s approval is 26%

      Total approval is 55%

      Still lower than Clinton’s (66%) after Whitewater, Monica and all the junk his enemies threw at him.

      What a joke!

    11. Harry says:

      LOL! Corruption! Great! They tossed everything at Clinton and the public loved him.

    12. mbmdl says:

      The smirk is directed at who off camera? Karl Rove, perhaps?
      A wink and a nod to Turdblossom, “Hehehe, fooled them good,
      right Karl? I did good.” These people are creepier than anything
      from Night of the Living Dead.

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