Tears in Joementumland

 Image courtesy of Eschaton

Monday dawns in Joementumland and Bush's favorite Democrat, the war lovin', rightwing Connecticut senator, Joseph Lieberman finds himself seriously challenged for the first time in his 18 year Congressional career. 

Over the weekend, Connecticut Democrats had their convention and challenger Ned Lamont received a stunning 33.4% of the vote. This means Mr. Lamont is firmly on the ballot.

Lamontblog reports: "Many delegates admitted that they voted for Lieberman half-heartedly last night in a public ballot, but plan to vote full-heartedly for Lamont in August in a private one."

What makes Ned Lamont's challenge to Lieberman so sweet is his candidacy is almost 100% netroots-driven. Any politician who tries to marginalize the power of the blogs does so at his or her own political peril.

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4 Responses to Tears in Joementumland

  1. Harry says:

    Oh for goodness sake, get a hotel! The image of Bush and LIE-berman about to do some deep tongue exploring is enough to make me hurl!

  2. feminazi says:

    As a resident of Connecticut I admit I voted for Joe twice. I thought he was pretty good on most issue including his support for choice. But after Bush stole the 2000 election, he changed. I don’t know what happened to him, but he’s not my senator any more and I want him either defeated or retired.

  3. news junkie says:

    Stuart Rothenberg, editor of Editor and Publisher, wrote this about Ned Lamont daring to challenge Old Joe:

    “But there certainly ought to be a place in our political system for someone like Lieberman. His defeat, unlikely as it may be, would be a sad, sad chapter in American politics.”

    Yes, there’s a place for Lieberman in our political system. It’s called the Republican party.

  4. Joseph Lieberman makes me physically ill when I look at him.

    Add to it, his support for the Iraq war, and I truly hope he defeated come November.

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