Osama bin Amanpour?

When the ultimate insider journalist, MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell suggested that CNN’s senior international reporter, Christiane Amanpour was the latest and, perhaps most high profile target of Bush’s domestic spying program, a firestorm erupted on the blogs. And with good reason.

If the story is true, the question most reasonable people are asking is, why spy on Christiane Amanpour?

According to her biography, Amanpour was born in London and shortly after her birth, her father, an Iranian airline executive, moved the family to Tehran, where the Amanpours led a privileged life. In 1979, the family fled the Iranian revolution and settled again in London where Christiane attended elite schools. Christiane moved to America to attend college and graduated summa cum laude from the University of Rhode Island with a bachelor of arts in journalism. She joined CNN in 1983 and began a distinguished career in journalism. She married James Rubin, the former spokesman for the U.S. State Department. The couple have a son, Darius. They maintain homes in Washington DC and Paris, where Christiane is based for CNN.

This hardly fits the profile of a wanton terrorist out to harm the United States and the American people.

As we’ve learn more about the targets of Bush’s illegal and unconstitutional domestic spying operation (always justified because “we’re at war,”) , they include gay rights groups, organizations focused on repealing the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, groups focused on ending poverty and protecting the environment.

Does Bush or do the people orbiting him, truly think the aforementioned groups and organizations are a threat to the United States? Or, do they just have agendas that run counterintuitive to the Bush administration?

So where does Christiane Amanpour fit in with Bush’s warped organization of reality?

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