10 DINO Democratic Senators Pushed for a Tax Break for Multimillionaires

Friday, April 17, 2009

Earlier this month, every Republican senator was joined by 10 DINO Democratic senators to push for yet another tax break for the uber-wealthy — the elite 5,854 estates in all of America valued at $7 million or more per couple.

So who are these DINO Democratic senators so distressed that the children of the uber-wealthy won’t be able to afford a second yacht, or private jet, or vacation home in Maui, or Picasso in the living room?

The 10 DINO Democrats:

1. Evan Bayh (IN)
2. Max Baucus (MT)
3. Maria Cantwell (WA)
4. Mary Landrieu (LA)
5. Blanche Lincoln (AR)
6. Patty Murray (WA)
7. Bill Nelson (FL)
8. Ben Nelson (NE)
9. Mark Pryor (AR)
10 Jon Tester (MT)

In order for the U.S. to have a progressive and fair tax rate, former President Bush’s tax cuts for the wealthiest individuals needs to be repealed. And these 10 DINO Democrats need to be voted out of office.

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4 Responses to 10 DINO Democratic Senators Pushed for a Tax Break for Multimillionaires

  1. R.J. says:

    You mean Dianne Feinstein didn’t make this list? I’m truly shocked.

  2. I voted for Bill Nelson in 2006. I didn’t want to, but my other option was Katherine Harris and, oh boy! is she crazy.

    But I truly appreciate you posting this information and I will contact Bill Nelson right this minute and explain how disappointed I am in him.

  3. Dmitris says:

    I’m not surprised by half the names on the list. I am surprised by the other half. I thought Patty Murray was a better person but, obviously I am wrong. I hope she loses her seat.

  4. libhomo says:

    Talk about bought politicians. The main priorities for liberals in 2010 should be primary challenges and supporting third party candidates in the general elections.

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