What’s Monica Goodling’s Problem with Boobs?

Sources tell TPM that it was none other than Monica Goodling, former aide to embattled Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, who was responsible for draping over the ample bosoms of the Art Deco statues in the Justice Department’s Great Hall during the reign of the John “let the eagles soar” Ashcroft. The drapings were eventually removed in 2005.

What’s Monica Goodling’s problem with boobs?

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10 Responses to What’s Monica Goodling’s Problem with Boobs?

  1. DMason says:

    Missy Monica must’ve learned this hatred of the human body in that crackerjack law school she attended, Regents University. And to think, all this time we thought covering Lady Justice’s rack was the work of John Ashcroft?

  2. feminazi says:

    Conservatives see sex where there isn’t any. This dumb cluck is just the type and drape the statue of David, if she thought she could do it. What dirty, small minds these people possess.

  3. Woodcliffe says:

    LOL! Yes, of all the problems facing the USA, covering the ta-ta’s of Lady Liberty is right up there at the top of my greatest concerns.

    I mean, it isn’t like the statue of Lady Liberty is in the image of Karen Hughes or Condi Rice. Were that the case, you might want to cover things up so to not frighten young people and the elderly.

  4. kayinmaine says:

    She was taught at Pat Robertson’s “law school” that God thinks boobs are vessels of Satan. *rolling eyes*

  5. Brigadoon says:

    “Vessels of Satan?” ROFL! I love boobies. Big boobies, little boobies, perky boobies and droopy boobies. I love them all. Although I am not that attracted to the enormous implanted boobies. They feel like basketballs.

  6. Woodcliffe says:

    My wife has lovely boobs. A bit worn with age but hey, my stomach isn’t what it was 25 years ago either. 🙂

  7. T. Mike Randall says:

    Monica Goodling needs to get over herself.

    Men, at least straight men, worship breasts. Always have and always will. It’s guy thing and she may try and cover them up but, Goodling isn’t going to change our wiring.

    Deal with it, Monica.

  8. mbmdl says:

    Monica is one rigid bitch.

  9. Randy Arroyo says:

    Sure she’s rigid. Probably frigid too. Conservative minds are full of smut-thought and they have so many hang-ups, that I’m surprised they’re able to successfully have sex and produce children. Little wonder why married Republican men are always getting busted for hiring a hooker. Look at Randall Tobias. He’s a worm.

  10. mbmdl says:

    Randy – I always harbored this sense that conservative men were secretly jealous of all the action they thought Bill Clinton was getting. It made them feel inadequate, so they had to punish him. OK, there’s my Freudian analysis for the evening!

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