Lawrence Summers Takes the Summer Off

Friday, April 24, 2009


Yeah, I know technically it’s still spring but, who cares?

Here we have President Barack Obama’s financial guru, Lawrence Summers, blissfully sleeping his way through a meeting with the CEOs and CFOs of the nation’s credit card companies. Larry, you can’t save our economy if you use the White House as your bedroom.

Last February, Summers was caught sleeping through a fiscal responsibility summit at the White House.

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11 Responses to Lawrence Summers Takes the Summer Off

  1. R.J. says:

    Now he’s in the same company as Bill Clinton and Dick Cheney. Ouch!

  2. Obama should’ve tossed a glass of cold water on his face to wake him up.

    The economy is at stake, isn’t it?

  3. Tiny Dancer says:

    Maybe he has sleep apnea? Summers is pretty chubby.

  4. Dmitris says:

    I’m guilty of sleeping through meetings. Once they start droning on and on, loving the sound of their own voices, most executives are better at inducing sleep than a sleeping pill.

  5. bradfrmphnx says:

    TinyDancer…I think you mean narcolepsy. Sleep apnea is when you stop breathing in your sleep.

    I’m sure Obama had something to say to him. I’ve heard he is a stern taskmaster. Is there any chance he was looking down at a paper, and this picture gave the appearance that he is sleeping? Its just hard for me to believe that somebody would fall asleep in a meeting with the President over something this important.

  6. MacDaddy says:

    I’ve read two excerpts from two different books (which I can’t remember now) by Summers. In each one, he extolled the virtues of deregulation in a similar vain of Milton Friedman. Now, since he’s The Prez’s chief economic advisor, I’m wondering if there’s going to be any teeth in the regulations the Obama administration is getting ready to put into law.

    By the way, Christopher, stop by daddyBstrong. There’s a present for you.

  7. I know I’d fall asleep in a meeting that discussed economics, but that’s why Obama didn’t hire me.

  8. Rachel says:

    I remember the picture of that fat pig Dick Cheney snoozing through meeting at the White House. I can’t say I blame Cheney. I mean, he’s old, and tired, and evil and I imagine that he, like many elderly people, require a nap each afternoon. How old is Larry Summers? He looks to be in his 60’s.

  9. Joe in Colorado says:

    As Rome burns, Summers slumbers. Too funny.

  10. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  11. Jay says:

    “Tiny Dancer” was correct; it is more likely sleep apnea rather than narcolepsy. Sleep apnea causes the person to stop breathing in their sleep. As a result, their sleep is interrupted many times a night and they do not get restful sleep. Because their sleep the previous night was not restful, the person will often become extremely tired as the day progresses.

    (I’ve had sleep apnea for 10 years so I’m very familiar with it)

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