Saran Palin: “Been Around the World and I, I, I”

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sarah Palin’s spokesperson claims the Alaska governor’s foreign policy experience is rich with travel to numerous foreign countries including Ireland.

However, the reality is a little different. Palin did visit German and Kuwait, but the Ireland trip was a refueling stop on her trip to military installations in Germany and Kuwait. She’s also visited Canada which might as well be America’s 51st state.

So folks, think about it. If McCain wins in November, Palin is just a melanoma away from the presidency.

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15 Responses to Saran Palin: “Been Around the World and I, I, I”

  1. Harry says:

    This is too funny. Now the McCain camp is just making shit up about this silly woman. Let’s hope the voters are smarter.

  2. Betty says:

    Since I have not been EVER out of this country it matters nothing to me. I wonder how many Americans have not either because hell we can not afford it or want it.

  3. Matteo says:

    The McCainites had better start circling the wagons around Sarah Sunshine because odds on favor a 20-1 odds or higher on a bet that she would be forced off the ticket very soon.

    “While it is rare that a VP candidate gets dropped, it’s not completely impossible,” said Ken Robertson, political betting analyst at Paddy Power Plc, a Dublin-based gambling company.

    “Lots of our punters are betting `Shocking’ Sarah’s days are numbered,” he added, using a nickname he came up with for the first-term Alaska governor.

  4. Lazy-I says:

    Gee, I’ve been to Los Angeles and Las Vegas and Miami.

    I guess then by the same logic, I have foreign policy experience too!

    Woo Hoo!

  5. TOM339 says:

    This American would love to take a vacation to the Bahamas his fall but, thanks to rising fuel prices and other concerns, I can’t afford to take such a trip.

    Maybe next year, after Obama is elected, things will turn around for this country?

  6. JollyRoger says:

    I am amazed at how furiously the wingtards are spinning to try to rescue Sarah. The die-hard Chimpletons are really coming to the aid of one of their own, in spite of her role as a “beard” and her secessionist politics.

    Gotta love those “values patriots.”

  7. enigma4ever says:

    ahhhh, amazing…well I guess they feel like they have to defend her- otherwise they would have to explain the choice…and there is NO explanation….at all….so let’s see to be vp…you just need to have been on a plane…???

    So she comes to Ohio last weekend with McCrusty-and she comes to the stage and says ” Soooo, this is what the Rest of the Country looks like!!!”….the crowd sat stunned…

    we have to do our best to dethrone her Now….I give her 21 days….”family obligations will call”…ahem….

  8. I read somewhere that she would have more experience to be a fish-mongerer than to be VP. Scary.

  9. fran says:

    From Wasilla to the World ~ Sarah Palin
    defies common sense. Clearly, she’s picked the *right* party.

  10. Brigadoon says:

    Way funny! This little broad’s plane makes a fuel stop in Ireland and suddenly she’s Colin Powell with a vajayjay. Are conservative and PUMA women really dumb enough to fall for this? Please say it isn’t so?

  11. taco says:

    This little broad’s plane makes a fuel stop in Ireland and suddenly she’s Colin Powell with a vajayjay.

    LMAO! Hey, I flew over the ocean when I went to Hawaii. Can I say I’m a marine biologist now???

  12. Jackie says:

    This is what we need to focus on – her absolute lack of professional credentials, as well as her abuse of power and extreme social conservatism.

    For the last 7+ years, the Vice President’s abuse of power has damaged this country. Palin’s behavior in her home state has set a dangerous precedent for the next 4 years if McCain is elected. We need to state this clearly.

    And most of all, we need to illustrate that choosing this woman as VP was an impulsive and careless decision by a man who will continue to exercise poor judgment as the leader of a country in distress.

    Please sweet Jesus do not let McCain get elected…
    But if he is, I will definitely need to make another trip to Amsterdam. Such as.

  13. Joan kamen says:

    I am the mother of two daughters and five
    grandaughters ranging in age from twelve to
    twenty one.

    I believe Palin s family life is her own business.however, her pregnant daughter is put in
    the spotlight and ms. palin must have known this
    would happen. I do not think it is fair to the girl.
    I would not want my grandaughters put in this
    position. being a pregnant teen is stressful enough
    this is just my opinion.

    By the way one of my daughters built up a multi
    million dollar business when her girls were growing up. I am not against women having careers and children. I just believe that some judge
    ments have to be made and some opportunities
    have to be passed up when the time is not right.

  14. Audrey,Arkansas says:

    We followed her thru Walmart buying diapers, just like you and me. Why didn’t we follow her thru Neiman Marcus buying $500. outfit? I think she should go hunting with Cheney.

  15. Pingback: Wednesday WTFs #1 « My 2 Cents

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