Dems to Use “The Hug” Against McCain on Billboards

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Democrats are planning to use advertisements of Sen. John McCain embracing President Bush on billboards and in bus stops around Minneapolis during the Republican National Convention.

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13 Responses to Dems to Use “The Hug” Against McCain on Billboards

  1. Maithri says:

    genius 😉

  2. Randy Arroyo says:

    Finally, it looks like the Democrats are ready and willing to play hardball with this Old Coot. I am so embarrassed by the special care and handling many Democrats accord McCain because he was a POW forty years ago. So what? This is ancient history. The time has come to whup him in the ass.

  3. Conejo1982 says:

    Why only Minnesota?

    This ad should appear on TV, in print and on billboards across the nation. It sends a powerful message about who is John McCain and explains why he can’t be allowed anywhere near the White House.

  4. mbmdl says:

    I agree with Conejo 100% This is a powerful image and the Dems need to run with it and take it all the way to the White House. Don’t stop linking McCain to Bush and Bush to McCain. Who needs words when you have this picture?

  5. R.J. says:

    Now that’s change I can believe in. Go Fightin’ Dems!

  6. kellybelle says:

    Slow dancing while the world burns.

  7. Rastamick61 says:

    Finally ! Someone throwing high inside fastballs at the pricks who’ve been crowding the plate for 7 and a half years. I want this on a t-shirt too for that matter.

  8. Great sign. And it speaks the truth.

  9. fran says:

    That is an interesting campaign angle– but even that seems lame to me. Why not post a list of the # of indictments, use the “T” word– talk about torture & lawlessness & death tolls, crimes.
    The hug is OK, but there are a whole lot more kick ass topics they should be bringing up.

  10. Maggie says:

    Fantastic ! I hope they use it all over the USA !

  11. Brigadoon says:

    Is this the picture taken after McCain gave Bush a blowjob or before?

  12. Rastamick61 says:

    Brig : I think it’s the one taken after Rove and Co. suggested McCain’s kids were bastards and called Cindy dear a drugslut during the 2004 campaign. Must be great to survive 5 years as a POW then when operatives from your own party cut your balls off and smear you in public you go chubbyhug the guy who hired them to do it. Thanks but no thanks g-pa.

  13. Mauigirl says:

    Great use of this picture! We’ve seen it in our side of the blogsphere for ages but I don’t think the general public has gotten exposed to it nearly enough!

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