Barack Obama’s Berlin Speech

“I know that I don’t look like the Americans who’ve previously spoken in this great city. The journey that led me here is improbable. My mother was born in the heartland of America, but my father grew up herding goats in Kenya. His father – my grandfather – was a cook, a domestic servant to the British.” – Barack Obama, before 200,000 in Berlin, Germany, July 24, 2008

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12 Responses to Barack Obama’s Berlin Speech

  1. Aunt Peg says:

    I’m old enough to remember when John Kennedy traveled to Germany and was greeted by enormous, adoring throngs of people, so pleased to see him in person.

    The parallels between Kennedy and Obama are undeniable.

    Obama made me proud to be an American and I am so happy to see the German people separate Bush from the American citizens. Bush in no way speaks for me.

  2. Harry says:

    It was an amazing speech and Obama, as usual, was on fire. He’s the real deal and I can’t wait to elect him president.

  3. Dmitris says:

    Arguably, Obama’s best speech to date.

    I was especially pleased with the themes of tearing down the walls that separate religious and ethnic groups. This is unity in the most genuine sense of the word.

    Obama will make an excellent president.

  4. Peace Nick says:

    Obama is greeted by 200,000 people who adore him, want to touch him and experience him at an almost spiritual level.

    Bush is greeted by 200,000 people who want him dead or at very least, brought before the Hague for war crimes.

    Now that’s some contrast.

  5. Estacada says:

    Yes but you forgot to mention John McCain.

    Poor John McCain was seen in front of the cheese aisle trying desperately to chat up a mother with 3 small children in tow. The littlest kidlet looked terrified and near tears from be accosted by this old coot.

  6. Woodcliffe says:

    Estacada – McCain is being eaten alive with envy.

    The old coot has traveled to Europe and the Middle East a half dozen time this past year and the media barely notices.

    Obama, who was challenged by the old coot to visit Iraq, goes to not only Iraq but Afghanistan, Germany, today France and then I think his last stop is Britain and it’s like he’s a rock star.

    I am so pleased that the world is seeing firsthand that everyone in American politics isn’t like the Idiot Bush. Obama has made me proud.

  7. stradella says:

    Brother Barack can speak, alright and he talks good.

    But I wonder how his world tour will be received when he returns to the States by Hillbilly Nation and the NASCAR racists who listen to FOX News and Rush Limbaugh?

    The rightwing media is working 24/7 to tear Obama down. Will they be angry that an African American gave a speech in Germany and dared to say “my own country hasn’t always gotten it right?”

    Will there be a backlash? These folks aren’t the smartest people and will they try to punish Obama because he reached out to foreigners as proof he “doesn’t know his place?”

    American ignorance never surprises me. I have long ago learned to expect it.

  8. He may have won their hearts, but he didn’t win their minds. That’s what all the papers say. If only he was a master of the facts like McCain. Oh well.

  9. DMason says:

    McCain is a small, petty, angry man, seething with jealousy over the press attention and adoration Obama received while abroad. No one will mistake McCain as presidential. Obama, well, he’s young and charismatic and has a great command of the issues. There is no comparing the two men.

  10. Travelingman says:

    It was a wonderful speech and for the most part well recieved I think. I just hope that the stop over in France doesn’t become an issue. They cooked Kerry over the fact that he speaks french, which was bs but that is the only game the rethugs know.

  11. lea-lea says:

    Barack reminded the German people and by extension, the rest of the world, what is good about America.

    For too many years, the goodwill of the planet has been hijacked by the cowboy diplomacy practiced by George Bush.

    Barack changed this perception in less than an hour.

  12. DCVET says:

    A very moving and intelligent speech. Obama is a gifted speaker and a capable thinker. I forgot what it’s like to have a leader who can speak more than a few words at a time and conjugate a verb.

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