Lieberman ♥s John Hagee

Thursday, July 24, 2008

There is something seriously wrong with Sen. Joe Lieberman. The former Democrat and current cheerleader for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, John McCain, on Tuesday praised the evangelical leader, and Christian Zionist, John Hagee, whom even McCain himself repudiated after a string of controversial remarks were made public.

Lieberman, who frequently campaigns with McCain, said John Hagee’s support for Israel outweighs any remarks that led McCain to reject his endorsement.

Lieberman spoke to Hagee’s group, Christians United for Israel.

“The bond that I feel with Pastor Hagee and each and every one of you is much stronger than that, and so I am proud to stand with you tonight,” Lieberman told several thousand members of the group, which urges U.S. support for Israel.

“I don’t agree with everything that Pastor Hagee’s done and said but there is so much more important than that that we agree on.” Really, Joe?

Hagee, who heads the 19,000-member Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, has quite a history of making wild and insane statements. Here is a sample:

“the Catholic Church is “the Great Whore””
“God punished New Orleans with Hurricane Katrina for staging a gay pride parade”
“Muslims have a mandate to kill Christians and Jews”
“Make plans to come and go home with a slave”
“Hitler and the Catholic Church [are] in a conspiracy to exterminate the Jews”

After the November election and Barack Obama is sworn in as president, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid must strip Lieberman of his senior committee positions. It’s clear that Joe Lieberman has gone over to the dark side.

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12 Responses to Lieberman ♥s John Hagee

  1. Brigadoon says:

    I’ll go a step further. Lieberman is un-American. His loyalties are with Israel — not the US and this is how he’s able to align himself with filth like John Hagee. I believe he should be kicked out of the Senate. He’s no longer acts in accordance with the Constitution and his promise to uphold it.

  2. feminazi says:

    Everyone hates Joe Lieberman now. He is desperate for friends. He would suck up to Scott Peterson if it got him some face time. He’s pathetic and a rotten excuse for a human being.

  3. Peace Nick says:

    Both Hagee and Joementum should be committed to a mental institution.

    I don’t understand what it is about religion and Israel that turns people in psychopaths.

    But whatever it is, Hagee and Lieberman are infected with it.

  4. Aunt Peg says:

    There’s a long list of prominent Christian Zionists:

    Arthur Balfour
    David Ben-Ariel
    John Nelson Darby
    William Blackstone
    Tom DeLay
    Jerry Falwell
    John Hagee
    Alan Keyes
    Charles Henry Mackintosh
    Pat Robertson
    David Pawson

    The idea that Christians should actively support a Jewish return to the Land of Israel sounds benign but in reality, they embrace a belief in Biblical prophecy that includes End Times and a belief in Armageddon and nuclear annihilation.

    If this is the crowd Lieberman is running with these days, I agree with Brigadoon. Lieberman needs to run out of the Congress ASAP.

  5. Estacada says:

    I get a bad feeling in my gut whenever I see or hear Lieberman.

    He increasingly reminds me of one of those people they interview on MSNBC or A&E for a program about cults and brainwashing.

    I would never in a month of Sundays leave my kids alone with him to babysit — even if it were for a half an hour. I think he’s unbalanced.

  6. Walk on Socks says:

    A “Christian Zionist?” Never heard that term before now.

  7. taco says:

    Sorry but these so-called “Christian Zionists” remind me of the Klan.

    I don’t like them and they creep me out.

  8. Rachel says:

    The voters of Connecticut had an opportunity to get rid of Holy Joementum back in 2006 and what did they do? Reelected him to a 4th term. I think they might be regretting their decision now but, they will get to enjoy him until 2012.

  9. christopher, you do realize that the first sentence of this post is a candidate for the most obvious statement of 2008. 😉

  10. TOM339 says:

    This is a new low for Holy Joe.

    I guess as long as the person is pro-Israel, Lieberman will fellate them. Even a child molester as long as they’re loyal to the homeland.

    Hagee and Lieberman deserve one another.

  11. as a Jew I find Lieberman one of the biggest embarrassments in the history of the religion

    i truly loath and abhor this complete piece of drek. he has absolutely NO redeeming qualities, and i still blame him for Gore’s loss (or really Gore for even picking him).

    i SO look forward to to the day Harry Reid give Liebershit his walking papers from any Senate Committee in January.

  12. libhomo says:

    Lieberman seems obsessed with revenge against the Democratic Party and liberals. This kind of crap has been going on since 2004, when Democrats didn’t select him as the nominee.

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