German Chancellor Slams Obama

Thursday, July 10, 2008

German Chancellor Angela Merkel slammed a request by Barack Obama to give a speech this month before the Brandenburg Gate.

The conservative German leader said that while she would be pleased to meet the US Democratic presidential hopeful, it would be wrong for him to hold a “campaign rally” at the historic symbol of German unity.

The gate, built in the late 18th century under Kaiser Friedrich Wilhelm II as a symbol of peace, became the country’s most prominent symbol of German unification in 1990 after the fall of the Berlin Wall the year before.

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7 Responses to German Chancellor Slams Obama

  1. Brigadoon says:

    To be completely honest, I couldn’t care less what the German government thinks about Barack Obama or the USA. They should be happy that the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee wants to reach out to them. After George Bush basically told the rest of the world to “go screw,” Obama’s gesture should be greeted with joy.

  2. DMason says:

    Instead of running off to Europe, maybe Obama could consider holding a rally in-front of a picture of the United State Constitution and playing in the back ground is Sinatra singing “My Way?”

  3. RainBro says:

    Angela Merkel is Bush’s girlfriend anyway. I like DMason’s idea…

    Obama better free some hostages soon if he wants to keep up with McLame. Hell, he just voted to make the American People hostage to the telecoms. He’s treading on very dangerous ground ATM…

    Why shouldn’t he vote to increase his power when he comes to sit in the oval office? He’s no different than any other power grubbing bastard politician. It was wrong to Hope – Change was the better goal to strive for, I suppose. Changing the Constitution…

    Keep the Faith – to yourself, Obama.
    He needs to go to Afghanistan, not Germany…

  4. Rachel says:

    Isn’t Angela Merkel the leader that Bush tried to touch her tits? She looks like a young Lynne Cheney, if she’s who I think she is. I guess Obama is running for president not just of the USA but the world.

  5. tenacitus says:

    Would she have said the same thing to McCain?

  6. Harry says:

    Rachel – ROFL! You’re a riot. 🙂

  7. Troy says:

    Brigadoon, Whats the difference between you and Bush if you don’t give a damn what people outside the U.S.A. think? I’ll tell you, not much.

    It amazes me that after 8 years of a President who knew nothing about foreign policy when elected you guys want a go at it with your no nothing candidate. Suckers for punishment.

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