Barack Obama’s Democratic Nomination Victory Speech

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

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3 Responses to Barack Obama’s Democratic Nomination Victory Speech

  1. Quite the contrast between this and McCain’s dreary blathering. Too bad there are a lot of jokers that’ll vote for the old white guy.

  2. Joe in Colorado says:

    The podium isn’t John McCain’s friend. He looks like like he’s addressing an AARP meeting on Medicare benefits. He’s not presidential. In fact, I think McCain often looks and sounds tired and confused. Let’s face it. Running for president is a young man’s game and not for someone 72 years old.

  3. Rachel says:

    Barack has amazing oratory skills. I am convinced he could read the phonebook and keep his audience enraptured. This is a gift you must be born with. I am a terrible public speaker and get nauseous when I have to stand up and talk to a crowd of colleagues but Barack is a lot like Martin Luther King, Jr.

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