The Nominee

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

“Tonight, I can stand before you and say that I will be the Democratic nominee for President of the United States!”

With those 21 words, Barack Obama made history Tuesday night and became the first African American presidential nominee.

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10 Responses to The Nominee

  1. Diane says:

    From Obama’s lips to God’s ears . . . we need this man in the White House.

  2. that was some speech last nite — it was moving and electric

    mccains speech was one of the worst i have ever heard — boring, pathetic and whiny…

    in theory this should be no contest — but you know i have total faith in the american public to vote completely against their best interests

  3. Maithri says:

    Thanks Chris for keepin us all in the know.

    What a wonderful day this is for the world,

    Peace, M

  4. TOM339 says:

    Now that’s a good-looking President and First Lady!

    Obama’s speech was flawless and he touched on all the themes his supporters have come expect from him in this campaign.

    I’ve looked at some of the foreign news sites and for once, the coverage is universally positive. The world knows we got it right.

  5. feminazi says:

    For me, Barack Obama’s ascendancy is a historic event. I’m old enough to remember Selma and the beginnings of the Civil Rights movement. To all the naysayers who said Americans wouldn’t vote for a Black man, they were wrong. This country has embraced Obama and rejected the Clintons. I just hope the media stops giving Hillary facetime. She’s yesterday’s news and no longer relevant.

  6. Adirondacky says:

    I was struck by the audience reaction to Obama at the end of his victory speech. You would’ve thought he was Bono. The crowd just wanted to touch him. I saw a sea of outstretched hands, straining to make physical contact with Obama. People were laughing and crying with joy. It was an extraordinary image and one that made me proud to be an American.

  7. DMason says:

    I’m exhausted. I feel like the morning after a long flight and I don’t have my land-legs yet. It’s a good tired but I am spent.

  8. Rachel says:

    Michelle Obama looks stunning. Lavender definitely suits her and her coloring. She’s effortlessly stylish and poised. Michelle reminds me of Jacqueline Kennedy. Both women are tall, slim, and wear their clothes. Their clothes don’t wear them. She’s so very elegant. What a startling contrast to Pickles Bush.

  9. stradella says:

    I agree Rachel! Michelle looks so beautiful.

    I’m so proud of the Obamas. I am bursting out all over with pride today!

  10. balkan says:

    I am so far away, and yet so happy!

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