Memba’ When Hillary Said Michigan Didn’t Matter?

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Hillary Clinton is many things: shrill, monstrous, wifey, divisive, homophobic, a racist, a bitch and of course, a liar.

Case in point, Clinton finds herself in the final days of the primary race more than 300 delegates behind her rival, Barack Obama, and she’s demanding the disallowed delegates from Michigan be counted. But that wasn’t her story back in October, 2007.

The Washington Post reported Clinton told the New Hampshire Public Radio’s call-in program, “The Exchange.”it would be foolish to take her name off Michigan’s primary ballot and sacrifice her chances against the Republican nominee.

As the only top tier Democrat remaining on Michigan ballot, Clinton is all but guaranteed to win the state’s primary. Michigan is tentatively slated to send 156 delegates to the 2008 Democratic National Convention, but national party officials have threatened to take away those delegates if the state persists in holding its primary on Jan. 15.

“It’s clear, this election they’re having is not going to count for anything. But I just personally did not want to set up a situation where the Republicans are going to be campaigning between now and whenever, and then after the nomination, we have to go in and repair the damage to be ready to win Michigan in 2008.”

Liar, liar, pantsuit on fire.

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5 Responses to Memba’ When Hillary Said Michigan Didn’t Matter?

  1. Conejo1982 says:

    I just walked in the door (well, actually about 30 minutes ago) and flipped on MSNBC.

    All I see is footage of the Borg Queen meeting senior citizens and PTA groups. I’m sorry but, isn’t there another face in this face and his name is Barack Obama? What gives? Has MSNBC decided Black men don’t sell GEICO insurance and Celebrex spots?

    I just want Montana and South Dakota to be over so we can get on and begin battling McCain. I am weary of the 24/7 coverage of the Borg Queen.

  2. Joe in Colorado says:

    This is precisely why the mainstream media has become irrelevant to people under 30 today. Hillary Clinton’s quote on New Hampshire Public Radio where she admitted Michigan wouldn’t count should be front and center. The anchors should hang her words around her neck but instead they allow Howard Wolfson to spin and lie.

  3. Tiny Dancer says:

    I’ll check back in an hour.

    This three ring circus is embarrassing and just makes the Democratic party look insane and unmanageable.

  4. Hallcyon says:

    Why bow to the media to resist McCain and the GOP propaganda machine? The time is now to always do what is right. Forget her and focus on what needs to be done, which is electing solid administration, not corrupt unethical demagogue pathological liars who don’t mind bankrupting not only us but our children and grandchildren. Let Billary be for the rotting corpse it on to the next treasonous arse, McCain.

  5. When the media (past 2 decades) was for the Clinton’s, the Hollywood elitists , rock and pop stars etc…. the news was all good, now it must be a vast left wing conspiracy right? Oh it was right!


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