Pelosi Vows to Prevent Fight at Democratic Convention

Thursday, May 29, 2008

In a rare show of muscle and leadership, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she will step in if necessary to make sure the presidential nomination fight between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama does not reach the Democratic National Convention.

Pelosi predicted Wednesday that a presidential nominee will emerge in the week after the final Democratic primaries on June 3, but she said “I will step in” if there is no resolution by late June regarding the seating of delegates from Florida and Michigan, the two states that defied party rules by holding early primaries.

“Because we cannot take this fight to the convention,” she said. “It must be over before then.”

Pelosi made the comments during a wide-ranging hourlong session with the San Francisco Chronicle’s editorial board.

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8 Responses to Pelosi Vows to Prevent Fight at Democratic Convention

  1. feminazi says:

    The Speaker is such a timid little creature. She’s deferred to this president and looked up to him in aw and wonder, according him the respect he hasn’t earned and doesn’t deserve. So now she says she’s ready to stand down the Clintons? I’ll believe it when and if it happens.

  2. Adirondacky says:

    Pelosi’s own legacy is tied to the Democrats winning the presidency in November. She remained on the sidelines and refused to impeach Bush because she thought it would be a distraction and possibly even turn the voters against the Democrats. I think she means it even it it means stationing guards at the doors of the convention hall to keep the Clintons from entering. Nothing can get in the way of Obama becoming the nominee.

  3. VanBuren says:

    I don’t know what Pelosi can do stop Hillary Clinton from taking her ridiculous fight to the floor of the convention is she decides to so all the way.

    I kind of hope Hillary goes all the way. Is she does, the entire nation and the world will see the Clintons for precisely who they are and the picture will not be pretty.

  4. emcee says:

    The Borg Queen has already said she will take her fight to the floor of the convention. Hillary is nuts. There is nobody home and she needs psychiatric care ASAP.

  5. Roger says:

    Where the frak has Pelosi been before NOW? Now she wants to step in and stop this madness? The time to step in and flex was about a month or so ago–now, the Hilldebeest has deluded herself into thinking she can take this all the way to the floor of the convention, especially since there’s now talk of halving the delegates from FL & MI. There will be no stopping this crazy woman’s Bataan death-march.

  6. Aunt Peg says:

    Roger is correct.

    Pelosi, Reid and Gore have been too silent during this primary. As soon as Hillary sent out Bill to try and undermine Obama, this trio of Democratic heavyweights should have stepped in to shut him the fuck up.

  7. JAZZY says:

    Yes the big wigs should have stepped in before now but then they were all not sure of Obama’s viablity at the time. I think they were trying to play their hands until the and not burn the proverbial bridge.

  8. pelosi can try — but nothing will stop the insanity of hillary

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