Hillary Clinton is a Liar

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

In the final days of Hillary Clinton’s bid to be the Democratic presidential nominee, the New York senator has been reduced to trying anything to save her sinking campaign. Even lying.

CBS News reports:

During an evening rally in Montana’s largest city Tuesday night, Hillary Clinton explained to the crowd why she should be the Democratic Party’s nominee, but what ensued was a list of overstatements and exaggerations as she made her case. “You have to ask yourself, who is the stronger candidate? And based on every analysis, of every bit of research and every poll that has been taken and every state that a Democrat has to win, I am the stronger candidate against John McCain in the fall,” she said.

The problem is, there are a number of polls that show Clinton in a close race with John McCain, many within the margin of error, not including a few that show Barack Obama beating McCain by a larger margin than Clinton. The comment was intended to prove to voters that despite Obama’s popularity, she has what it takes to beat John McCain. Clinton said that voters have to ask themselves, “Who is the stronger candidate against John McCain? We have not gone through this exciting, unprecedented, historic election, only to lose,” she said.

For days, Clinton has been grasping at almost anything to make her case to voters as the clock in the campaign winds down. Most recently Clinton compared the plight of Florida and Michigan voters to the struggles of the early suffragists and likened the primaries of those states to the fraudulent election that took place in Zimbabwe.

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15 Responses to Hillary Clinton is a Liar

  1. woyoyo says:

    I want Hillary Clinton to just go away.

    I don’t care where she goes. She can return to her home in Chappaqua, the US Senate, or she can go to hell. Just go away.

    And take the Menopause Mafia along too.

  2. Sasha in MN says:

    I am certainly glad I skipped breakfast this morning, eer delusional comments and all those HRC faces made me queasy Christopher.
    Seriously what is this crackpot smoking? I may be tagged a kool aid drinker but that’s certainly better than the toxic fumes her supporters are breathing from the Hillenstein bulldozer or the rusty Straight Talk Express bus.

  3. DMason says:

    Hillary Clinton is like the crazy uncle a lot of families have but never mention. You only see him at Christmas or funerals. He’s harmless but lives in a make believe world of invented reality. I used to think Hillary was a great senator but no more.

  4. Robert Rouse says:

    What the fuck is she talking about. I’ve been keeping a close eye on the polls and the only states I see her actually beating McLame better than Obama has been in Appalachia or New York – and she’s fading in New York. I just read two days ago how much better he’s doing against Sidney McLame in California. Somebody stick a fork in Hillary, I think she’s done.

  5. Winnie H. says:

    Hillary and Bill are having a meltdown because they can’t believe that the majority of Democrats are not swallowing every lie and falsehood they try to shove down their throats.

    The Clintons have forgotten that it’s up to the people to decide who they want for their candidate, and that has nothing to do with who Hillary and Bill claim is a stronger candidate.

    Biden, Dodd, Richardson…they were all much more qualified than Hillary Clinton to be President. They accepted defeat — why can’t she?

    The Clintons are an embarrassing spectacle, and that’s how history will remember them.

  6. Adirondacky says:

    MSNBC reported today that a group of Hillbots will be protesting this Saturday outside the DNC Rules Committee meeting as they try to decide what to do about the Florida and Michigan delegates. This should be very interesting as her supporters have become rabid in recent days.

  7. Conejo1982 says:

    The crazy bitch is still telling reporters that she wants another debate with Obama.

    Evidently, Hillary refuses to accept the fact that next Tuesday, her campaign will be over as Obama will have the required delegates to be the nominee.

    I almost feel sorry for her. She reminds me of a mother who has lost a child but wanders around calling the child’s name because she thinks she will find him.

  8. Jim says:

    I pray that next Tuesday will make the Clintons just GO AWAY.

  9. Kellybelle says:

    I’m just not getting her. What does she think will happen–folks are just gonna give her this thing?

  10. libhomo says:

    After the way she has conducted herself, she will be very vulnerable to a primary challenge in 2012.

  11. Rachel says:

    I saw CNN this afternoon when I got home. Leslie had James Carville on. Carville was repeating many of the talking points you’ve posted here. The Hillbots refuse to accept the fact that Hillary is not going to be the nominee and she’s not going to be president. For them, reality doesn’t matter.

  12. Cecilia says:

    Hillary just go away, such a sore losser :0

  13. RainBro says:

    I have no words anymore…
    I suppose Re-Create ’68 is sharpening their claws up for the Convention…

    I’m way more worried about Rachael Ray wearing Yassur Arafat’s scarf around her neck. 😉

  14. VanBuren says:

    The numbers do not favor Hillary Clinton.

    She’s grasping at straws and just making up things up as she goes along.

  15. Aunt Peg says:

    I expect Hillary to say the votes on Mars need to be counted next because she won them by a sizable margin. This woman is out of her bloody mind.

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