Obama Returns to Iowa Tuesday and Victory

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Barack Obama campaign announced Saturday the presumptive Democratic nominee has chosen to spend Tuesday night not in the primary states of Oregan or Kentucky, or even at his home in Chicago. Instead, Obama’s staff announced on Saturday, he will be returning to Iowa where he won the Democratic caucuses way back in January and he has at least two good reasons to revisit now.

Much more than nostalgia seems to have motivated that decision.

If things continue to go as well for him this week as they have so far this month, with a romp in North Carolina, a strong showing in Indiana and daily growth in his support among party superdelegates, he could actually end up with enough pledged delegates to proclaim, without fear of contradiction, that he is now the Democratic nominee for president.

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10 Responses to Obama Returns to Iowa Tuesday and Victory

  1. Harry says:

    The campaign makes a complete circle and Obama returns to where it all started. How symbolic.

  2. emcee says:

    The symbolism of returning to Iowa will force the Hillary Clinton-worshiping media to finally accept the fact that they were wrong to plan her coronation before she even made the official announcement that she was a candidate. At this stage of the game, the Democrats know who our nominee is and now Obama can begin planning for the fall and putting together his cabinet.

  3. jazzy says:

    Do you also think that his trip back to Iowa will also be to appeal to Edwards delegates? It’s almost real I think I have finally exhaled that breath that I have been holding for almost 3 months now. Good blog BTW

  4. Tiny Dancer says:

    I think Tuesday will be emotional for a lot of us who have supported Obama from the beginning.

    For me, I am looking forward to November and casting my vote for him for president. It’s been a long, unpleasant and rather ugly primary season and I am glad it’s coming to an end.

  5. Jim says:

    How glorious! Another brilliant, meaningful statement from Obama’s strategists.

  6. Kellybelle says:

    I’m gonna dance around my living room on tuesday. At least I hope to.

  7. libhomo says:

    Iowa also is a swing state. There are practical considerations in all of this too. 🙂

  8. Winnie H. says:

    A victory lap — I love it.

    I will always be grateful to the people of Iowa for giving him his first big win of the primary season. If it hadn’t been for them, things probably would have turned out much differently.

    They essentially validated his candidacy. How wonderful that he is going back on Tuesday to thank them.

  9. taco says:

    A victory lap — I love it.

    What a great image! Obama’s victory lap.

    He will look very presidential. I wonder if John Edwards will be there too?

  10. Aunt Peg says:

    I hope Tuesday is a trifecta night for Barack Obama.

    He returns to where his campaign began, Iowa, he announces his front runner status, and with fanfare and confetti, says Edwards is his vice president running mate.

    Just tie everything up and lets get on!

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