If Anyone Cares, Hillary Won West Virginia

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

If anyone cares at this late juncture, Hillary Clinton won the Democratic primary in West Virginia.

Clinton won 65% of the vote and took 16 delegates compared to rival Barack Obama, who 28% of the vote and took 6 delegates.

The delegate totals look like this:

2,025 Delegates needed to Secure the Nomination
OBAMA 1,877 1,877 delegates
CLINTON 1,706 1,706 delegates
EDWARDS 18 18 delegates

After the West Virginia primary, Obama now leads Clinton by an insurmountable 171 delegates.

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16 Responses to If Anyone Cares, Hillary Won West Virginia

  1. VickiLynne says:

    yeah, i just heard but who really gives a shit.

  2. Christopher says:

    Hi VickiLynne,

    Certainly not me.

    The sooner she accepts reality and the boys employed by the MSM stop giving this pathetic woman hope that she has a viable chance, the better if will be for the Democrats and most importantly, Barack Obama.

  3. Randy Arroyo says:

    Was there another primary today? I guess I sneezed and missed it. I turned on MSNBC and they’re all on talking about Hillary as if she’s the front runner and has a snowball’s chance in hell of defeating Obama. It’s all become more than a little bizarre.

  4. Liz says:

    Ha!! Who lied to this woman?? Even with WV she still doesn’t have a chance of winning. If the democrats are defeated in November because her ego wouldn’t let her accept the truth I’m gonna be P-I-S-S-E-D!

  5. mbmdl says:

    Now Bill is on the TV orating from a C&W bar about wind energy. Too funny. I agree with you about Hillary’s victory tonight. I can’t say I care. In fact, I just want the entire primary to be decided so we can get on to battle John McCain.

  6. Tiny Dancer says:

    Oh boy, what a strange bunch of comments being posted on the blogs tonight. Hillary’s Hopefuls are now signing onto the “new metric” of 2,209 to win. A clever bot of revisionist politics that factors both of the states of Michigan and Florida into the equation.

    Some say Hillary can still pull it out of her hat if she gets the superdelegates to abandon Obama and come on board with her and Bill. A unlikely scenario to be sure but, one that they hold onto like a life preserver on a sinking cruise ship.

    All I know is, the longer this woman “hangs in there” fighting her losing battle, the more the American people look at the Democrats and feel unsure that we know what we’re doing. Not a good thing.

  7. Larry says:

    How much more can the cable news idiots drool over Hillary before they realize they are wasting their time.

  8. Christopher says:

    Well guys, I have an early call tomorrow and I need my beauty sleep (HA!) so I’m out of here.

    I’m sorry to be weary about the primary because I’m really not tired of Obama — it’s Hillary who makes me tired.

    Good night everyone.

  9. Duder says:

    Score for racism…

  10. Cali Tejano says:

    Ten delegates? That’s it? I was expecting twelve, so this feels like a victory for me.

    F**k West Virginia. Obama can win without them.

  11. feminazi says:

    I thought the word out of Hillaryland is she’s the one who can win all of the “big, important states,” versus Obama who according to the Hillbots, can’t carry big states like California and New York? So now their argument has shifted to small, poor states like West Virginia as proof of Hillary’s electability. I’m just looking forward to her departure. She’s a nuisance.

  12. Woodcliffe says:

    It should be interesting to see what sort of east coast media coverage she gets next Tuesday in Oregon.

    The Pacific Northwest is solidly Obama territory and she will get her ass handed to her on Oregon.

    In working-class West Virginia, her victory is not going to slow Obama’s march toward the Democratic presidential nomination. It’s meaningless.

  13. joost says:

    Hillary and her intern-luvin’ husband just can’t accept the fact the party they tried to remake in their image, is now rejecting them.

    After Pennsylvania, Hillary’s surrogates – Carville, Begala, Caputo, Wolfson and Lewis were dispatched to tell the media that it is Hillary who can win the big state. The big states matter more than the others. Talk about elitist.

    So now they’ve changed their tune to site the backwater states of West Virginia, heavily racist and filled with gap-toothed, coal miners who embrace Hillary like a returning daughter as proof she can carry the rest of America.

    Nevermind that Obama carried Virginia (a state Hillary should’ve carried and didn’t) or Colorado, Idaho, and Washington (they must not matter because they’re not big or poor), so by winning the “pineys’ in West Virginia, now you have Terry McAullife claiming the campaign has turned the corner and will come roaring back.

    But the fact is, all Hillary is doing is harming Obama and the party she claims she cares so deeply about. The game plan is, harm Obama and help elect her pal John McCain and then she can run against him in 2012. Hillary is unfit to be president. She strategizes like any common, South American banana republic thug but without the style and poise they bring to the battle.

  14. FranIAm says:

    This morning I was shouting at the radio “It is WEST VIRGINIA for crying out loud!”

    You’d think she just won an election by a landslide.

    This is pathetic.

  15. Edwards is still in? I’m so outta the loop!

  16. Tia says:

    This is not over.

    Obama can’t close the deal, many democrats do NOT want Hillary to drop out.

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