Hillary Reads the Writing on the………

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

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16 Responses to Hillary Reads the Writing on the………

  1. feminazi says:

    ROFL! Well, nothing else has gotten her attention so maybe seeing the message spread across this woman’s spectacular bust will be the wake-up call Clinton needs to fold her tent and depart.

  2. Matteo says:

    Now, fellow Congressional Democrats are belittling Hillary Clinton.

    Hillary as Glenn Close?


    Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn, an Obama supporter, compared Clinton to the Glenn Close character in “Fatal Attraction” — a spurned woman turned stalker who was apparently drowned in a bathtub only to jump up one more time to be shot dead.

    “Glenn Close should have stayed in that tub, and Sen. Clinton has had a remarkable career and needs to move to the next step, which is helping elect the Democratic nominee,” Cohen said during a local TV interview. He later apologized for his comments.

  3. Larry says:

    The eyes of power and greed often mask the view of reality.

  4. That’s the second time you looked at that picture. Man you’re funny!

  5. emcee says:

    If the Borg Queen can’t read the writing on a pair of 34D’s then she’s dumber than a plant and belongs in a kindly, mental facility where she can get the care she needs.

  6. 😆

  7. Woodcliffe says:

    Take comfort folks!

    There are only 6 state primary races left and even if Hillary wins 100% of them (she can’t) there is no mathematic way for her to be the nominee.

    The angry feminists have failed her. Bill Clinton’s loyal, braying wife will go back to the U.S. Senate and do whatever it is she does there, saddled with a $25 campaign debt.

  8. Christopher says:


    I know.

    I always wanted to attend a Borg Queen campaign event wearing my “Barack Obama 2008” T-shirt and shake her hand.

  9. Rachel says:

    What a great image! I can’t even watch cable news anymore. They’re so clueless. They actually treat Hillary like some sort of royalty who can pull it off at 11:59p.m., and become the nominee. Obama is our party’s winner and he will be elected president.

  10. Harry says:

    Matteo – What a funny link. Hillary = Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction and it came from her senate colleague. Brutal!

  11. RainBro says:

    That’s beautiful, Chris… but still… I’m just sayin’… 😉


  12. Bill Hussein O'Reilly says:


    Something Hillary and I agree on. We both enjoy looking at big titties. I knew if she remained in the race long enough we would find common ground on something.

  13. woyoyo says:

    I wonder how she will be received upon her return to the Senate when she finally pulls the plug on her campaign?

    Will Democrats bow before the great Hillary, like a returning military General back from combat or, will her reception be more chilly because of the hatchet job she and her husband have tried to do to Obama?

    Still, her colleagues may split along gender lines with the men being more measured while the females kiss her hands and feet.

    Should be interesting.

  14. VicoDANIEL says:

    Hillary’s out after the Puerto Rico votes are counted.

    I don’t think for a New York minute we will see a sudden flash of clarity that leads to her asking the Hillbots to support Obama and unify the party. This would require a woman with far greater honor and intelligence than Hillary Clinton.

    What everyone should keep in mind is this: If she can mortally wound Obama and keep her loyalists in the fold, I truly believe Hillary thinks she will have an opportunity to unseat Obama in 2012 because her organization and supporters will still be in place.

    It’s been said the Clintons don’t like to lose and they are driven by blind ambition. If you think 2008 is the last we will see of Hillary’s presidential fantasy, think again.

  15. Aunt Peg says:

    Christopher – You’re very naughty which is why I love your blog best of all!

  16. Afrit007 says:

    Now, THAT’s why I’m supporting Obama.

    Well, two reasons, anyway…

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