Hillary Admits the Next President Will Be a “He”

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

At a campaign stop in rural West Virginia, Hillary Clinton today uttered what can only be described as a Freudian slip while speaking to a group of Appalachian supporters. Clinton let it slip that the next president will be a “he” and not a “she.”

“All the kitchen table issues that everybody talks to me about are ones that the next president can actually do something about, if he actually cares about it.”

Quickly realizing her faux pas, she added: “More likely if she cares about it!”

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7 Responses to Hillary Admits the Next President Will Be a “He”

  1. Aunt Peg says:

    These may be the first truthful words out of Hillary’s mouth since she entered the race.

    Once she got past the fiction tales of sniper fire in Bosnia and how she personally negotiated a peace treaty in North Ireland, as far as I know. 😉

  2. DMason says:

    Even James Carville admitted he thought the nominee would be Obama based on the deep need the people have for genuine change in Washington and the country. I’m sure his admission won’t score a seat for Thanksgiving with the Clintons come November but he was telling the truth.

  3. TOM339 says:


    Egg on Hillary’s face.

  4. Idaho Librul says:

    The 2008 election is the perfect storm for a Democratic presidential victory. Eight years of George Bush have turned Americans away from the GOP in droves.

    John McCain faces criticism from AM talk radio hosts like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and his base is soft as many don’t trust his conservative credentials.

    Yet, all of this may not matter if the Democratic front runners keep tearing each other apart. I have to believe Hillary Clinton realizes this and she doesn’t care. If she can’t win then she would be just as happy to see a McCain victory.

    If the Democrats can’t in the White House in 2008, then they don’t deserve to be a political party.

  5. taco says:

    If the Democrats can’t in the White House in 2008, then they don’t deserve to be a political party.

    Hi, Idaho!

    I’ve been saying this for months. If the Dems lose this election I will change my party membership.

  6. Brigadoon says:

    The talkingheads on MSNBC are chattering about Obama making (S)hillary his vice president. I guess these media elites don’t read the messages posted in the (S)hillarysphere because these rabid Hillbots will not support their queen in a 2nd spot under Obama.

  7. VickiLynne says:

    Oh I just love Hillary! About as much as I love stepping in a fresh pile of dog shit. Can I say that?

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