Hillary’s Harpies Boycott DailyKOS

Sunday, March 16, 2008

By now, most bloggers have accepted the fact that Hillary’s Harpies have completely jumped the shark. Challenge Hillary Clinton’s specious claim of “35 years experience” and they label you a misogynist. Question Hillary Clinton’s senate voting record and they say you’re “distorting the truth.” Admonish Hillary’s campaign for playing the race card and they respond with a juvenile taunt of “nah, nah, nah, Obama started it.”

Most of the large traffic blogs just take their blind devotion in stride. There are exceptions like the Democratic Underground which employs a blatant pro-Hillary bias and locks comments on anti-Hillary threads while allowing comments on anti-Obama threads to remain open.

But the silliest example of the Hillbots stomping their feet in unison is the news they are boycotting the wildly popular blog DailyKOS. Objecting to the “tone of attacks against Mrs. Clinton” and her “supporters on the blog,” diarists have called for a “writers strike.”

Their threats have had absolutely zero impact on Markos Moulitsas, the founder of DailyKOS. Moulitas (or Markos as he’s better known) told ABC News:

“But whatever they call it, I think it’s great,” Mr. Moulitsas said. “It’s a big Internet, so I hope they find what they’re looking for.”

This entry was posted in Election 2008, Hillary Clinton. Bookmark the permalink.

38 Responses to Hillary’s Harpies Boycott DailyKOS

  1. BookGirl says:

    I have a post about this too! When I read about it in the NY Times I was laughing because I knew it was only a matter of time before someone complained.

    I’m an Obama supporter so I’m glad they’re gone! 🙂

    Feel free to pay me a visit. My blog is called The Political Fancier.

  2. obama supporter says:

    Excellent blog, i immediately put in my favorites list. Very hip and sleek look to it. 🙂

  3. LOL… Sorry did I laugh out loud? Hillary’s mignons on a writer’s strike @ Daily Kos – it just keeps getting better & better…

    It wasn’t directed at you, BookGirl… I’m gonna go check you out right now. 😉


  4. feminazi says:

    This is one of the hundreds of reasons I wouldn’t support Sen. Clinton if you paid me. My belief in the First Amendment and the Right to Free Speech trumps any support for the first woman running for president. Such behavior on the part of Hillary’s supporters is so childish that I want no part of it or of them. I’ve already raised two children thank you very much!

  5. Harry says:

    “Hillary’s Harpies.” 🙂 Chris, you always have a way with language!

  6. Brigadoon says:

    These dumb broads are behaving like little fascists. I say good, Hillbots. Just keep it up. You’re Hillary’s worst enemies and a reminder to America why this monstrous woman can’t be let near the presidency.

  7. Christopher says:


    I’ll make a point to stop by today!

  8. TOM339 says:

    I love the smell of desperation in Hillaryland only 6 weeks before Pennsylvania!

    All I can draw upon are my daughters. Both girls are smart, college educated, professionals and they are huge Obama backers and reject and dispute Hillary on her merits.

    They will no doubt get a kick out of this newest chapter is the lunatic fringe surrounding Mrs. Clinton and her campaign.

  9. My new co-blogger wrote this one.
    Obama’s Soul” it’s over at his site. Thought you might like to read it. They’re still showing the pastor on the news.


  10. Christopher says:


    Superb! Thank you for the most excellent link to a great piece of writing.

  11. My pleasure, Christopher.
    I am very honored & lucky to have him aboard.


  12. mbmdl says:

    I saw a poll that sought to determine the crossover support for each of the Democrats in the event their candidate doesn’t win the nod. Obama’s supporters were fairly OK with Clinton. But Clinton’s supporters by 2/3rds said they wouldn’t vote for Obama under any circumstances. So much for party unity.

  13. SantaMonicaJoe says:

    And you guys wonder why we don’t Obama supporters are actual liberals? Or why think his “movement” is a cultish” flash in the pan, ala Jimmy (JC can save America!) Carter?

    LOL. Check your headline. I’m glad there’s an organized boycott. I left Kos 2 months ago. The disinformation was laughable, and the negative campaigning disingenuous, and probably deliberate.

    So much for the “new” politics of “unity”.

  14. taco says:

    These dumb broads are behaving like little fascists.

    Hillary’s girls are reminiscent of Hitler’s willing executioners.

    They’ve chucked all sense and turned their free will over to the former First Lady. I have no doubt if Hillary asked them to leap off a 20 story building they would happily do it.

  15. Ginny says:

    Greetings all, I know this is a little off the subject, but I’ve not seen a lot of pro-Obama reactions to the whole supposed “controversy” regarding Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Does anyone think his comments will hurt Obama? Of course the McCain and Hillary supporters will have a field day with this, and they are, especially sense, now that Obama has responded to the comments, they’re now asking, “well why didn’t he respond a year ago when he said he was first made aware of them”?

    But for me anyway, ya also gotta wonder what took these same peopel so long to say anything?

  16. DMason says:

    Barack Obama picked up a powerful enemy today and it isn’t the Ice Queen. Chris Wallace today announced Murdock’s winger propaganda network had launched “Obama Watch.” Part to punish Obama for refusing to debate on FOX Noise and in part to help the Ice Queen the nomination because the GOP prefers McCain to run against her and not Obama. I’m sure the news made the Clinton’s day. But they should be very careful about cutting backroom deals with FOX Noise.

  17. joost says:

    Have any of you had the misfortune of encountering Hillary’s hatchet girls? They’re like hired assassins who stalk and berate anyone who fails to submit to the will of the Hillary monster.

    I bet Markos is more than a little happy to have them move on to someone else’s forum to cause problems there. I need to stop by KOS and visit to see how much things have improved.

    As far as the DU goes, I stopped posting there last summer. It’s just too nasty and mean spirited for me to handle. I mean, who needs it? If I want nastiness, I could post on LGF.

  18. Matteo says:

    I hope Hillary Clinton is happy. Maybe she can run as McCain’s vice president?

    Zogby Poll: McCain Bests Both Obama, Clinton in 3-Way General Election Tests


    Riding high after locking up his party’s presidential nomination, Republican John McCain of Arizona has moved ahead of both of his potential Democratic Party rivals in a national general election test, the latest Zogby telephone survey shows.

    Perhaps profiting from the continuing political battle across the aisle, McCain would defeat Hillary Clinton of New York by six points and Barack Obama of Illinois by 5 points, the survey shows. Clinton and Obama are locked in a tight battle to win the Democratic Party nomination, a fight that has grown nasty at times recently and threatens to continue on all summer long until the party’s national convention in Denver this August.

    The telephone survey of 1,001 likely voters nationwide was conducted by live operators calling from Zogby’s call center in Upstate New York on March 13-14, 2008. It carries a margin of error of +/- 3.2 percentage points.

  19. Ginny says:

    Kinda sad that Hilllary is using Fox News, and other right-wing pundits to help do her dirty work for her. And this was the same woman who talked of a “right-wing conspiracy” against her and Bill Clinton back when he was President. And I remember that comment very clearly! What is the saying about enemies supposedly making strange bedfellows?

    The sad truth of it is, that if she somehow gets the nomination, I’d almost vote for McCain over her, now isn’t that sad?

  20. California Dreamin' says:

    Instead of battling McCain now, Obama and Clinton are battling each other. This has grave consequences for the Dems. Whoever is the nominee and I hope it’s Obama, the tiny sliver of time between Denver and the GE is roughly 90 days. I hope it’s enough.

  21. stradella says:

    What the hell is wrong with these chickenheads?

    I stopped visiting DailyKos when the Hillbots began posting the names, addresses and phone numbers of members who dared to criticize Queen Hillary. Never did I see an Obama supporter do that to a Hillbot.

    These dumb clucks give all women a bad rep. I’m sick of them.

  22. woyoyo says:

    She needs to stop eviscerating the Democrats and concede. Her delegate deficit is huge and she can’t win. Even if Hillary gets a do over in Michigan, it’s not enough to catch Obama. If she doesn’t, when the history is this race is written, Hillary Clinton will be to the 2008 election who Ralph Nader was in 2000.

  23. Winnie H. says:

    I learned many months ago that Hillary and her supporters believe that it is wrong to even politely question her stand on an issue. In other words, to them…

    …you’re either with her or against her.

    Sounds eerily familiar, doesn’t it? Why can’t people see how much she behaves like Bush?

  24. Randy Arroyo says:

    It sure does sound familiar. It sounds like George Bush and his Iraq war rhetoric. But this makes sense if you stop to think how little difference there is between the two of them at both a foreign policy and philosophical level. They share a contempt for the UN and a belief that the world is a scary place inhabited by people committed to destroying the U.S.

  25. Sasha in MN says:

    As Mr. Moulitsas stated “I hope they find what they’re looking for”. FAR, FAR AWAY! I heard we’re building new space stations, not soon enough.
    Boycott away HRC twits and cut off your left breast while you’re at it, you rabid amazon morons.

  26. ac says:

    Well I’ll be glad to see the last of them over at Kos. I try really hard to stay above it all but they really took it too far. What happened to intelligent discourse and debates on real issues? When did it descend to personal attacks, it’s all a bit disheartening.

    @ Ginny – while it is off topic Obama I’d like to respond to your question. Obama and his surrogates are out and answering the “Wright” issue. And doing so in a dignified way that respects the 36+ years of community service Paster Wright has devoted to Trinity, UCC, Chicago and Illinois. Consider the Pastor, on the verge of retirement, finding his legacy reduced to two thirty second segments of two different 30 minutes sermons out of the nearly 2000 sermons he must have given over the last 36 years. Consider this proud former Marine (that’s right he served and fought for this country, for the freedom of religion and of speech – bedrocks of our democractic principles) now finding himself used as a tool against one of his parishoners, one of the community’s great hopes. I for one, appreciate the dignified way in which the Obama Camp is responding. Let’s not throw Pastor Wright under a bus for goodness sakes.

    I don’t know that it was that the campaign wasn’t prepared to fight the resurrengece of this issue they had already beat down last year. I think it regained in popularity because of an additional sermon, given after New Hampshire, that the campaign wasn’t aware of. It resurged with generous helping of the unlikely (and unholy) alliance of Faux News, the right and (god help us) either the Clinton camp directly or indirectly through it’s supporters. What you’re seeing is a merge of two different sermons, out of context, and on perpetual loop so as to provide the most scare factor.

    After 9/11 Paster Wright made some comments in his sermon that included the seemingly unpatriotic remark of “g** d**n America.” I say “seemingly” because I think dissent is the highest form of patriotism (Howard Zinn) and I don’t hear anything in there all that different from what many were saying. It seemed a heck of a lot less kookier than what Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell were saying about 9/11 – God’s striking back because of the homosexuals – really? I mean is there anyone out there who doesn’t now know that we trained Osama Bin Laden and A-Q back when they were fighting the Russians in Afghanistan for us? Let me repeat for emphasis – we trained Osama Bin Laden, we as in the United States of America. We did that.

    The second sermon came after New Hampshire, while the Obamas were on the campaign trail. Pastor Wright, clearly frustrated, made some pointed observations, including that Senator Clinton has never been called the n-word and that wealthy white people have often been in charge of the “power structure” and government here in America. While no one is disputing the truth of either statement many are calling it racist and Trinity some sort of Black separatist sect.
    Let me be perfectly clear here: it is not racist to point out that someone has experienced racism in a way that someone else has not. That is not to say that Senator Clinton hasn’t faced her own hardships with sexism. The two don’t trump or cancel each other out. They both exist and our society still struggles to oversome all “isms”.
    *While we’re at it, the term “playing the race card” applies to interjecting race into a discussion that has nothing directly or overtly to do with race. Discussing race when race is in fact a relevant or main issue is NOT playing the race card. Can everybody quit misuing this phrase? Seriously, I mean it, stop it.*
    But I digress – Trinity has a congregation of 8,000. It is multiracial, reportedly a warm and welcoming environment to people of all classes, races, sexual orientation and national origin. It’s hard to beleive if it was nearly as militant as it is being portrayed that it would have such a large and multiracial congregation. Check out Tami’s blog at What Tami Said for a nice overview of Trinity. And check out Talking Points Cafe for some interesting perspectives on the whole controversy, and what may be the forces behind it.

    It’s just another meme – Obama: the scary black “other” that is going to do something just awful if ya’ll are stupid enough to let him into the White House, be afraid, be very afraid. And don’t vote for him.
    Well, I call it politics as usual, which is why change is so gosh darn appealing to me. I think I will vote for the scary black “other” – I like how he thinks and more importantly, I like how he acts.

  27. Ginny says:

    Greetings, thanks for your response, I wrote a blog post about this, and while I agree with you, I think many will not. Before I go any further, I want to say that I’m white, so I don’t get taken for being some sort of racist based on the following observations. Many white people, not all but many, and I’ve experienced this myself, will say they’re not racist or prejudiced perhaps would be a more apt title, but the minute their faced with actually having to back that up, that is a different thing. An example of this would be a parent saying that they weren’t racist but then blowing a gasket when their child comes home with someone from another race. As far as politics goes, you see this all the time, in people in polling, saying what they feel is the politically correct thing to say, and then doing something different in the polling booth. I can’t say this affects younger white voters, but it seems to affect many older white voters. Throw in the Ferraro comments (which I think are saying what many are thinking) and the Wright comments (saying what many white people are afraid of or don’t like to hear), and the Obama camp might have a problem.

    I’m hoping that they don’t, I’m hoping that this all just blows over, and that the Obama camp continues to respond to all of this. But I guess we’ll see if it affects him once we have the next primaries.

    I’ll also go to the blogs that you cited and perhaps my blog post on this subject will need a re-write or a subsequent corrective post. I’m just very cynical as far as this sorta thing because of my view that racism or at least prejudice is very much alive and well in this country, even if people won’t admit that to themselves.

  28. Gryphen says:

    This is the main problem with the Hillary supporters. They want to be able to “throw the kitchen sink” at Obama and his supporters but have nothing but softballs lobbed in their direction.

    Bunch of whiny little bitches. (This goes for both the male and female supporters)

    It has been a tough week for Obama, I hope that this next week allows him to make some positive appearances and get the Reverend story behind him.

  29. joe in oklahoma says:

    Taylor Marsh and Talk Left are hardcore hillary hustlers.

  30. Tiki in Uvaldi says:

    Barack Obama has won Texas!
    Barack Obama has won Texas!
    Barack Obama has won Texas!

    Hello? Is anyone in the mainstream media paying attention?

    OK, the Ice Queen won the popular vote by 51%. I understand all the Hill-cheer. But Obama took the bizarre caucus vote that followed by 56%.

    Long story short:

    Hillary Clinton – 44% 29 delegates
    Barack Obama – 56% 38 delegates

    Barack Obama received 99 delegates
    Hillary Clinton received 94 delegates

    But Hillaryland keeps saying they won Texas and her warriors are trying to pressure the Lone Star state not to report it. What the fuck is wrong with them?

  31. kalabro says:

    “What the fuck is wrong with them?”

    In a word: EVERYTHING.

  32. Alex says:

    Speaking as a really avid Obama supporter, some commenters here need to calm the hell down. Someone said up-thread:

    “As far as the DU goes, I stopped posting there last summer. It’s just too nasty and mean spirited for me to handle. I mean, who needs it? If I want nastiness, I could post on LGF.”

    And then this comment was followed by all sorts of bile calling Clinton a monster, imploring her supporters to cut their breasts off, and the like.

    Can you not see the irony here?

    I support Obama partly because he has the ability to raise the level of discourse. He’s been smeared and worse in the media, quite personally, and quite viciously, but his responses have always been classy. I pray we as his supporters try to emulate him.

  33. Rocco says:

    An opinion piece in the Los Angeles Times asked:

    Who needs Ward Connerly when you have Geraldine Ferraro?

    While there is no doubt that Barack Obama has been the victim of the Clinton campaign’s smear machine, it is simply foolhardy to expect Obama’s supporters to sit in their hands and not react.

    When Bill Clinton played the race card in South Carolina, many African American bloggers opined that we had seen a zenith of sorts and the hate rhetoric would quiet down afterwards.

    No one could’ve imagined Geraldine Ferraro’s remarks. Her shocking comments stunned even the most seasoned politico and made clear that the Clinton campaign had declared war on Obama.

    The Clinton campaign cannot be trusted. Furthermore, as an Obama supporter, I will speak out and defend him as I see fit.

  34. Jenna Bush Stole My ID says:

    I haven’t posted at DailyKos is a long while.

    One of my last diaries I think was about Cheney and if I recall correctly, a number of Kossacks took offense to my mentioning his ties to Central Asia. I argued he had a conflict of interest.

    I was taken aback to discover lefties defending him.

  35. PoliShifter says:

    I find it facinating that when using Hillary’s own words against her one can get attacked as being a misogynist. If you question her experience, which I am still not clear about, then you just hate women.

    Just how big was her roll in SCHIP? Even asking the question get’s one branded a woman hater. Whatever happened to that healthcare plan in the 90’s?

    Reporting on what Ferraro said gets one branded as playing the race card AND attacking women…a twofer.

    It’s ok for the Hillary Harpies to drone on about Rezko but how dare you mention White Water.

    Clinton’s earmarks and tax records don’t matter and if you ask, you hate women.

    It’s all getting very old and very tired.

    I am glad you wrote this post. I have visited so many blogs today that have been on a pro-Hillary tirade accusing Obama supporters of ‘vicsiously attacking Hillary for no good reason’.

    Win at all cost by any means seems to be their driving force.

  36. Sasha in MN says:

    Sorry Alex to offend. Not often do I blow my lid but I’m certainly getting tired of not just HRC and her camp their actions and behavior towards women like myself who are female democratic voters supporting Obama or another candidate. Perhaps I should of restated that I feel the pressure to cut off my left breast and join the “amazon movement” because that is the impression I get after hearing such inane statements from Ferraro, Steinmen and other public supporters not to mention the numerous elder and middle aged women berating my stance, labeling me traitor or some ignorant cult follower…on occasions when I am at my limits I can’t quite seem to “keep calm”. I usually am quite well mannered and will probably behave accordingly but here From the Left, I feel comfortable enough to occasionally spew out my frustrations, whether others perceive it as bile is up to them but that’s the beauty of freedom of speech and the right to express your opinions/feelings no matter how they differ.

  37. DCVET says:

    Sasha in MN – From the Left is a good forum to exchange ideas, debate and as you say, “vent.”

    It’s been my experience that people here are very nearly always well informed and fair to one another.

    I think this is why I keep returning here month after month.

  38. Cheryl says:

    I had to laugh because I’ve been calling the angry women surrounding Clinton “harpies” for awhile now and was told I was sexist.

    I am a female. And a feminist. And for Obama.

    I can’t understand voting for McCain even if you don’t agree with his beliefs because Hillary didn’t get the nomination.

    All this shrieking from a bunch of crazy women. You’d think we were on The View

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