Barack Obama Speaks to Keith Olbermann About Jeremiah Wright

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Democratic presidential front runner, Barack Obama, spoke to MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann and addressed the mini-controversy about his former pastor, Jeremiah Wright’s remarks.

The Clinton machine, run by such gutter feeders as James Carville, Mark Penn and Howard Wolfson spent Friday pushing the story to the front of the mainstream news cycle. Word is, they even forwarded talking points to Rush Limbaugh.

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20 Responses to Barack Obama Speaks to Keith Olbermann About Jeremiah Wright

  1. Kellybelle says:

    This is just all overblown. Jeremiah Wright is a very progressive pastor. Notice how the media fixates on him, but leaves nutjobs like Hagee alone.
    All this does is take away from people like Greg Craig–former clinton counsel–trying to tell people that Hillary is misleading the public about her “experience.”

  2. Religion has no place in politics.
    Here’s an interesting take on Pennsylvania

    Carville and the rest are just media whores. David Gergen had the correct viewpoint.


  3. susan aldridge says:

    Very good interview. Clear and precise. (I cannot imagine Fox News conducted such a civil interview.)

  4. Christopher says:

    Obama is calm, decisive and succinct.

    I wonder if we will see the Hillbots and Rush Limbaugh sharing talking points next week like they did this past week in their efforts to destroy Obama?

  5. Bowie, NV says:

    people like JW REMIND ME OF fundementalists. He is a loony who thinks he is part of some entitlement brigade.

    For Obama to be associated with him, it is shameful and appaling. this will be the turning point in this rather hyped up canidacy!

    Thank god for this.

  6. feminazi says:

    What you have to understand is, preachers like Jeremiah Wright are speaking to their congregations. White America is just waking up to the notion that there are two Americas with two very different world views and definitions of the truth. It may be unsettling to white Americans but, it’s reality. But at the end of the day, why should Barack Obama be destroyed over the content of his pastor’s sermon? Should Hillary (who I detest) be destroyed over her husband’s dalliances with interns?

  7. TOM339 says:

    My sense of this is, Hillary Clinton’s campaign is very frustrated because they can’t call Barack Obama a n****r, which is what they really want to do.

    So, they’re left trying to slim him over remarks made by his former pastor. It’s an act of desperation by the Clintons and one that will backfire on them.

    Trust me, she’s not going to win the presidency.

  8. Mauigirl says:

    The whole thing is overblown and it must have come from the Hillary camp – it’s not even new news.

  9. obama supporter says:

    I am very nervous. I have been scouring the internet to get a pulse of what the nation thinks. It seems that 1/2 or saying its over. The over half are saying what the pastor said is basically true. But with these past two elections been decided by “one” state, it seems like this could be a lot of trouble.


    Oh by the way, Obama cam to my city of Plainfield, Indiana today. Two-thousand tickets were made available, and within 30 minutes they were snapped up. Plainfield is an all-white city.

  10. obama supporter says:

    If you want to stream it live it on Then go to video, and you will see it live

  11. Robster says:

    Here’s my thought, Obama Supporter.

    For every person on the Internet, there’s ten more that don’t even use it for news stories. I wouldn’t put too much faith into what people online are saying. For example, every SHillary voter I know offline will not vote for her now based on her “fear and smear” campaign. They’ve switched to Obama.

  12. Brandon Pitlock says:

    The story is a non-story and it’s being pushed by Hillary Clinton’s camp.

    What I find remarkable is how clever Hillary Clinton’s team is when it comes to playing the race card.

    With Jeremiah Wright, you have the stereotypical, angry black male archetype threatening suburban whites.

    This is a page out of Karl Rove’s playbook and I predict many older white women will fall for it and vote for Hillary to protect them. On the otherhand, the ploy could backfire on Clinton and their effort could push older white voters into John McCain’s waiting arms

  13. obama supporter says:

    Robster, i hope you are correct. But my faith in the American people has been totally shaken the last several years. It seems as if the American people are easily mislead, and would easily believe the worst about Obama, rather than the best.

  14. Mauigirl says:

    Don’t forget the country is also willing to believe the worst of the Clintons too – a lot of people do not trust them and they have a lot of baggage. This could backfire on her.

  15. libhomo says:

    TOM339: You are absolutely correct. White supremacy is one of the main Clinton campaign themes.

  16. Robster says:

    And we haven’t even attacked Hillary Clinton over things like Vince Foster, Whitewater, cattle futures, etc.

    We have many cards to play yet. We’re just holding them until the right time. 🙂

  17. stradella says:

    Like Robster says, the Hillary Monster is racked with scandals. Hey, how about the rumor she’s a dyke?

    Obama has so many things he could throw at her.

    It’s a shame he’s just to decent and fair to get down in the sewer with her. I hope it doesn’t cost him the nomination.

  18. obama supporter says:

    Stradella, being a gentlemen has cost us the white house several times. Cite: Carter, Dukasis, and Kerry. America doesnt respect a gentleman, and i fear that Obama will be one of several “gentlemen” who will get abused by not only the Republican Party, but also Hillary Clinton. As Hillary has shown me that she is even more self-centered than your typical Republican.

  19. proudprogressive says:

    Obama just needs to keep doing what he is doing, speaking the truth, allowing this country’s progressive centrists to finally have a voice. Hillary WILL and is imploding..this whole reverend thing is pure Bullshit ! – and giving it so much power inadvertantly re inforces the weakness of the seperation of church and state and as Obama says..institutionalized racism..its time this ugly shit got aired..and got into prime time. Obama IS GONNA WIN – believe it. Shillery will try to steal this thing…people WILL see through this. Meantime , register people to vote. Think positive and lets go team , we got a few miles to go yet…but we will WIN – we have to WIN.

  20. proudprogressive says:

    oh and Christopher (and you others , you know who you are ) a special thank you for your continued dedication and regular posting on all of this, i recently killed my TV !!! yeppers. And now count more completely on blogs like yours for the clips – I do plan on reading more, and even maybe buying some books. TV rots the brain. Thanks for watching it people , so i don’t have to, it truly makes me ill but for Free speech TV and Keith Olbermann.

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