Obama Leads Clinton 10 Points in North Carolina


Friday, February 15, 2008

Good news for Barack Obama in the upcoming North Carolina Democratic primary.

SurveyUSA has Obama leading Clinton by a full 10 points.

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4 Responses to Obama Leads Clinton 10 Points in North Carolina

  1. DMason says:

    Great news for Obama! His momentum should carry him all the way to Denver and to the White House. It’s time for change — real change and Obama can bring it.

  2. California Dreamin' says:

    North Carolina is an important state for Barack Obama to carry. Especially, to help offset a loss in Texas and Ohio, which looks increasingly likely. I know there are many former New Yorkers now living in North Carolina, so I was concerned thy would support you-know-who.

  3. TOM339 says:

    This is a huge lead for Obama to have in one of the fastest growing states in the “New South.”

  4. Gryphen says:

    Obama is also leading in Texas.

    That’s right I said Texas!

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