Lou Dobbs for President?

After months of telling reporters that he “absolutely” would not consider leaving his highly-rated CNN show in which he crusades against free trade and illegal immigration, Mr. Dobbs posted a commentary on his Web site last week predicting a surprise new presidential candidate in 2008. The mystery candidate is an “independent populist . . . who understands the genius of this country lies in the hearts and minds of its people and not in the prerogatives and power of its elites.”

Friends of Mr. Dobbs say he is seriously contemplating a race for the first time, although it’s still unlikely. They spin a scenario under which the acerbic commentator would parachute into the race if Michael Bloomberg, the New York billionaire and favorite of East Coast elites, enters the field as an independent. With Hillary Clinton continuing to score badly in polls in the categories of honesty and integrity, and with the public’s many doubts about Rudy Giuliani and other GOP contenders, Mr. Bloomberg may well see an opportunity to roil the political waters by entering the race late. If so, Mr. Dobbs then sees a niche for a “fourth-party” candidate who could paint the three other contenders as completely out of touch.

His playbook would be similar to that of Ross Perot in 1992, who didn’t enter the presidential race until the major parties began holding their primaries but quickly shot up to 25% in many polls.

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9 Responses to Lou Dobbs for President?

  1. mbmdl says:

    I always thought Dobbs would run for president one day. I thought he might throw his hat in the 2004 race but he didn’t.

    Dobbs is smart. Agree with him or not.

    He knows there is a huge pool of unhappy voters who don’t like any of the candidates running — he will tap into this pool and who knows? Stranger things have happened in politics. Like George Bush.

  2. GOD help us all ! excuse i seem to revert back to prayer when panic sets in.

    cough cough…

  3. FranIAm says:

    Oh my. He could have some legs too. But as far as I am concerned, every time the Repubs splinter a bit more, fine by me.

    So many people are like one trick lame ponies with immigration and that is Dodd’s crowd.

    Christopher, you are in NY state, we have just watched a lack of political style and that kind of reactionary immigration feeling derail Spitzer.

  4. joost says:

    Lou Dobbs has tapped into something no other candidate has the courage to mention: immigration. Democrats are afraid of it and Republicans are clueless.

    Like it or not, it’s an issue millions of Americans care about.

  5. Thank you fran i am, you just settled my nerves a bit. Oh by the way Hillary ought to be ashamed of herself pandering to the lowest common demoninator vs. standing her ground. – and back stabbing spitzer and what he and she almost were able to do..have a common sense approach , i mean really who the hell wants to on the road with people who do not how to freakin drive ! Common sense..now there is platform for ya – too bad so many go for the knee jerk hot bottom issues. Why to go shillery ! Keep it coming…so that we can have some common sense and heart in office. If not Dennis let it be Edwards. Lets hope the debate in an hr or so lets the others speak out – as Christopher says..can we please have something other than the Hillary and Obama show …PLEASE !

  6. ukiah1942 says:

    Looking at the field of Dems and Repubs, Dobbs makes the most sense to me.

    Go ahead and flame away but when did the idea of making America first become a crime? Both parties have sold this country down the river to the top buyer. It can’t go on like this much longer.

  7. TOM339 says:

    I like much of what Lou Dobbs says but I am troubled by some of his opinions.

    He’s certainly not a perfect candidate but while the Democrats were kissing Bush’s ass, Dobbs was kicking it. I give him props for this.

  8. feminazi says:

    Like him or not, Lou Dobbs is talking about things many Americans feel strongly about. For example, immigration. Both the Dems and Repukes are very nervous when immigration comes up. In fact, the issue has become the “third rail” of 2008 politics.

  9. A Reader says:

    Here is an excerpt (a link below) that explains it all:

    “So, here comes thee reason why should you consider voting for Lou Dobbs should he run: Lou will not betray us like many before him did and many, most likely, will. For me, that’s the most important qualification for the next president of the U.S.”

    from “Why Should You Consider Voting For Lou If He Runs?”, by Mark Andrew Dwyer http://www.loudobbs4president.com/news.html

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