UN Commissioner Supports LGBT Rights


Even though Rep. Barney Frank, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Human Rights Campaign fail to see why equality for lesbian, gay, and bisexual folks must include transgendered people to be meaningful, the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights gets it.

UN Commissioner Louise Arbour released the following statement:

“Human rights principles, by definition, apply to all of us, simply by virtue of having been born human. Just as it would be unthinkable to exclude some from their protection on the basis of race, religion, or social status, so too must we reject any attempt to do so on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. Excluding lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons from equal protection violates international human rights law as well as the common standards of humanity that define us all.”

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10 Responses to UN Commissioner Supports LGBT Rights

  1. Harry says:

    The United Nations seems to know something about human rights that Rep. Barney Frank, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Human Rights Campaign do not.

  2. ChiTOM says:

    Rep. Barney Frank seems to be doing everything in his power to piss-off and anger the left and the progressive community.

    First, he failed to pass ENDA legislation that was trans-inclusive. Not a good move when the Democrats enjoy the majority. This action helped to divide the LGBT community and alienate the transgendered folks.

    Now comes word he has a House bill that would Federally mandate mortgage underwriting guidelines. If this passes, it will mean banks and mortgage companies will be turning down millions of potential homeowners who don’t meet a strict borrowing criteria.

    Barney Frank seems to be more closely aligned with Lieberman and Feinstein than Kennedy and Feingold. He needs to retire before he causes even more trouble for Americans.

  3. john jay says:

    The problem with Barney Frank is the same problem we see in 99.9% of the Congress. They start out well, then they become wholly-owned subsidiaries of the lobbyists. Screw insurance and oil, the lobbyists control Washington DC.

    It’s a case of, follow the money.

  4. dad2059 says:

    john jay is exactly right, follow the money trail right back to the mega-corps and banksters, there lies your answers.

    Elitists are extremely racist and backward thinking.

  5. Well thank heavens, as people are being flogged, stoned , hanged and inprisoned in many countries for being gay. I use gay in the most general of terms. Its a short word that encompasses for me in my mind , all who vary from expected gender norms. ie. i could call myself a gay woman , and i am also TG to a degree. Barney Frank…i am too dissapointed and disgusted to even consider him a friend of the community. Its good to know the UN has its heart in the right place. No matter what are individual genders or differences – in the eyes of the “straights” and the wingers we are all gay. They do not differentiate. nope ,nope. We are calling the vote day for the hollow bill Black Weds. and it was. From now on my money is going to the NCTE the National Center for Transgender Equality. For more information ..visit Donnarose.com. She is the sole TS who was on the HRC board and resigned over this. She has has some healing words on her blog under the side bar on her site. is called AfterEnda. Also – the HRC has over 30 million dollars they will manage just fine. And our community i do believe remains more united than not. We will forgive, but we will not forget. And we will speak out for those in countries where the penalty is death. Our problems here in the usa pale in comparision.

    in solidarity always – PP

  6. What makes the HRC even more dispicable is that they LIED , lied to the faces of the TG community its on tape. Its on line, though they removed pages to cover up the evidence..they did a bait and switch beyond the pale. As for Frank saying the TG did not lay groundwork that too is a damn lie. There was a TG lobby day in washington back in May. But as the post topic the UN says…it shows we need to also help our GLBT family in other countries. WE seriously do. Need to raise this issue. They have NO voice in their countries at least we here have one. We have recourse and a movement. May the goddess and the human rights advocates come to the aide of these poor souls – being killed and jailed simply for who they love.

  7. FranIAm says:

    This continues to boggle my mind and is a sure reminder that the oppressed can become the oppressor in the wink of an eye.

  8. three cheers for Louise Arbour. She deserves our letters and calls of support. And yes she even mentioned the intersexed. Believe me, their numbers are large. Its a medical condition. And as i have always said..look at the canaries in the coal mine..the fish, the frogs, for me it adds up to a toxins in our environment and in our mothers bodies , intersex characteristics are often a source of shame and confusion in those born with this condition. Many most have surgeries to help their bodies conform to their pyschological identities..theirs is a very very hard road. And they are part of our community, regardless of their sexual orientation. I am passionate about this. We must care for those who need legal civil rights protections and the unprejidiced care of medical professionals. Nature plays some cruel tricks. Medical interventions can help. Too many religious or just plain cruel (if not medically unethical) will not touch any TGs with a ten foot pole. This is stone cold fact. Here in NM we know of at least two TGs left to die of neglect for the sole reason they had gender issues or complications from SRS surgeries. YES , left to die. One would think it would be easy to sue..as we here even have laws that DO include the T. But no, it is not easy to prove, dispite the recorded words of the Medical Centers Head guy – he basically said its our perogative to discriminate. Two died. Don’t forget Nov 20 is National Transgendered Rememberance Day – and if you want to do something to express your solidarity – please give or join the NCTE , the National Center for Transgender Equality – they are the best group out there for this – and reccommended by Donna Rose the sole TS on the HRC board who resigned over this betrayal by her “friend” Joe Solomese.
    Thanks for letting me share all this here.

    yours truly, from out in left field – PP

  9. DMason says:

    Barney Frank f***ked the LGBT community in the ass without lube. He had no right and no business dropping trans-protections from any employment protection legislation. He and Pelosi are still acting as if they’re in the minority party. These lawmakers have no cajones.

  10. lol Mason that lube line is one of mine too, and oh FRank the fuckwit, sell out endorses Shillery she calls him one of the sharpest minds in congress. More like how about one of the most sold out , co opted minds in congress. I bet hill is looking forward to all that HRC fund money – and she is the worst candidate up there for lgbts…no doubt about it. its just sick.

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