California Democratic Party to Consider Censuring Senator Feinstein

A resolution has been created to censure Senator Dianne Feinstein for her outrageous votes in the last two weeks as a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. There are many other votes that she has taken that have made many of us wonder when she became the Joe Lieberman of the West.

Whereas the Democratic Party stands firmly against racism in any of its manifestations and for gender equality, and Senator Dianne Feinstein voted to confirm Judge Leslie Southwick for a seat on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit despite his record of clear racism and gender discrimination; and

Whereas the Democratic Party abhors torture and stands firmly against its use by the United States at all times and places, yet Senator Feinstein voted to confirm Judge Mukasey as United States Attorney General – thereby elevating to the highest position in law enforcement a men who refuses to renounce the right of the President to resort to torture, or to recognize waterboarding as a form of torture; and

Whereas these examples are far from the only instances where Senator Feinstein, after seeking and securing the support and endorsement of the California Democratic Party, has worked to oppose the policies and principles of our party.

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8 Responses to California Democratic Party to Consider Censuring Senator Feinstein

  1. Harry says:

    Censure DiFi into an early retirement. This DINO bitch has been a Bush enabler for years and years.

  2. ChiTOM says:

    Censure is the first step to a state-wide recall.

    Fortunately, for Californians, the state has a swell ballot and referendum law and if enough votes are obtained, Dianne Feinstein can be called home – permanently.

  3. taco says:

    …”the Joe Lieberman of the West”…

    Flawless description.

    Lady DiFi is a DINO and she needs to retire and begin spending her ill-gotten millions and stop damaging this nation.

    What the hell is she going to do after the election?

    Oppose the Democratic president? She’s too damn much. Adios, DiFi.

  4. dad2059 says:

    They ought to investigate her and Madam Botox’s investment portfolios.

    That should answer alot of questions.

  5. FranIAm says:

    She so needs to go…

    Of course, we are stuck with Chucky over here in NY.

  6. DMason says:

    Feinstein is a witch. She’s become the second most reliable Democrat to the Bush White House. I agree totally with the above statements. Where is she going after the 2008 election and a Democrat is president? Will she still function as an obstacle to Hillary, or Obama, or Edwards? She’s despicable.

  7. mirth says:

    Censor her…then bring charges of war profiteering, try her, convict and imprison her.

  8. i so hope they do it

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