As a resident of San Francisco’s Pacific Heights, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is not making herself popular with her hoity-toity neighbors. Protesters have taken up residence outside her manse and are driving the natives wild.

“I’ve had four or five months of people sitting outside my home, going into my garden in San Francisco and angering my neighbors,” Pelosi said at a gathering sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor.

Pelosi added that the squatters have engaged in decidedly non-neighborly behavior like hanging their clothes from the trees, moving in sofas, chairs and other “permanent living facilities” and, oddly, building a large Buddha on the sidewalk in front of her home.

“You can just imagine my neighbors’ reactions to all of this,” she said. “And if they were poor, and they were sleeping on my sidewalk, they’d be arrested for loitering, but because they have ‘impeach Bush’ across their chest, it’s the First Amendment.”

Pelosi is an insufferable prig.

H/T to Larry at Lydia Cornell

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  1. Larry says:

    Pelosi must be wondering why her “fans” aren’tout there throwing roses.

    Mirth gave a link to the entire story on the previous post.

  2. taco says:

    “You can just imagine my neighbors’ reactions to all of this,”

    Holy shit, Nance!

    Wouldn’t want to upset those society ladies, eh?

    Afraid you might lose your seat at the annual Cotillion or your gig as society hostess for the opening of the opera season.

  3. Larry says:

    Miss Society Nan Pelosi must be wondering what she hasn’t done to deserve this attention.

  4. mirth says:

    “Permanent living facilites”

    Insufferable prig is too mild.

    *blowing kisses to those pesky protesters*

  5. mirth says:

    Please excuse the OT

    People, do not miss this:


  6. Pingback: Cosmetic Surgery » SPEAKER BOTOX OUTRAGED BY HER CRITICS

  7. Randy Arroyo says:

    Why won’t Princess Pelosi meet with the women of CODEPINK? Is she afraid of the truth? Of not effectively defending her failure to end the war? She’s so heavily scripted, so contrived in her speech and answers that she seems removed and distant.

  8. Jim says:

    Ah yes. Life is tough, even in Pacific Heights.

  9. feminazi says:

    What a truly despicable woman. Pelosi is far more concerned about her neighbors reaction to the protestors outside her mansion than meeting with her constituents and addressing their concerns. I was struck by the fact there’s a hunger strike underway by several antiwar activists and this doesn’t even register with Pelosi. It’s all about maintaining appearances.

  10. nytexan says:

    What an elitist bitch. She should be more concerned with why they are there, like maybe talking to them, instead of giving a rats behind about her high end neighbors being annoyed.

    Pelosi is such a waste. We should all publicly protest against her and support the squaters.

  11. Rachel says:

    The Queen of San Francisco? I don’t think so!

  12. libhomo says:

    This is why people should support Cindy Sheehan’s campaign to unseat Pelosi.

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