Christian Hate Group to Protest Gays at Virginia Tech Funerals

Here we go again.

Fred Phelps and his lunatic gang of Christian hatemongers at the Westboro Baptist Church plan to use the the funerals of those killed in the Virginia Technical University massacre as a chance to picket against gays.

The announcement was made on their insane website.

The Westboro Baptist Church made a name for itself in recent years by picketing against gays at the funerals of fallen soldiers killed in Bush’s Iraq war.

Their vile, hateful behavior prompted a number of cities and states to pass laws restricting access to funerals out of respect for the familes of the dead soldiers.

This entry was posted in Gay and Lesbian, Human Rights, News, Religious Nutcases. Bookmark the permalink.

16 Responses to Christian Hate Group to Protest Gays at Virginia Tech Funerals

  1. Brigadoon says:

    What a shame Cho didn’t have a bullet with Fred Phelps name on it. A special bullet that would’ve blown his head into a hundred pieces. No one deserves it more.

  2. Harry says:

    I presume as a church, the Westboro Baptist Church enjoys tax-exempt status? The first thing that needs to happen is it must be revoked. This is not a church by any definition of the word.

  3. feminazi says:

    Why haven’t the Feds gone after Phelps for extortion and racketeering? The antics of this so-called church more than meets the legal threshold. All it takes is for the DoJ to file the papers, work with local law enforcement and the Westboro Baptist Church would be history. Oh yeah, that’s right. AG Alberto Gonzales is more interested in stopping porn. How could I forget?

  4. Mark says:

    I hope local law enforcement is made aware of Phelps and his gang of hoodlums and set-up a perimeter outside the location of the funerals so that the Westboro haters can’t get anywhere near the families. These poor people have suffered enough and the appearance of a hate group is just salt in an open wound.

  5. T, Mike Randall says:

    Fred Phelps needs an old fashioned ass kicking and then he should be boiled in oil.

  6. dad2059 says:

    Phelps is no Christian and of course with Abu Gonzo stacking the DOJ with Regent University Dominionist fascists, Phelps getting investigated has as much chance as Chimpy regrowing brain cells.

  7. Ron says:

    Finally, someone the left and right agree on – hatin’ on Fred Phelps.

  8. nytexan says:

    I can never seem to get my brain around how the right wing nut jobs justify their actions. The V Tech community has already been so violated this week, and now they have to put up with Phelps and his BS church. Phelps actions are beyond explanation. They are just reprehensible.

  9. Woodcliffe says:

    Phelps is as crazy as Charles Manson.

  10. DMason says:

    Yeah, but Charles Manson makes more sense than Fred Phelps. Just saying…..

  11. Christopher says:

    I’m reluctant to post this because it is a blind item and I try to avoid them but in Fred Phelps case, I will make an exception.

    There’s long been a rumor about Mr. Phelps that he had a son who died from HIV/AIDS. It was many years ago. Anyway, this is allegedly the origins of his hatred towards gay people — he blames gays for his son’s illness.

    Maybe someone has more information on this story and will post it?

  12. snb says:

    Here is the number for the Westboro Baptist Church : (785) 273-0325 call them and let them know how much you disapprove.

  13. Rachel says:


    I clicked the link to their website and after a few minutes of reading I thought I had fallen through the gates of Hell!

    While I may not be the most religious person on earth (my choice), I have rarely seen anything as depraved and scary as the website for the Westboro Baptist Church. I mean, these people are insane!

  14. kayinmaine says:

    I hope Phelps and his protesters get hit by lightening. The End.

  15. TomCat says:

    Let’s not give Phelps too much publicity. If Crawford Caligula gets wind of him he could end up as Bush’s next Civil Rights honcho. 😦

  16. Rocky says:

    Yo, Chris… I just got wind of this guy from you, but I’ve met his ilk before in my ‘travels’ and I only had to read one line (a few seconds worth) on his ‘sermon’ page and I knew he’d lost it. Any Christian I’m aquainted with would laugh at him.

    I take it he hates Canadians, too. Oh well… I’ll try to sleep tonight despite knowing that. I wouldn’t worry about this guy too much, though. He’ll probably strangle on his own saliva if he ever gets a good frothing at the mouth going.

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