Libby Describes Cheney as ‘Upset’ at Joe Wilson

“If there’s a leak out of my administration, I want to know who it is. If the person has violated law, that person will be taken care of. – George W. Bush, Feb. 10th, 2004

At the Federal perjury trial yesterday for I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, the jury heard audiotapes of Libby describing Vice President Dick Cheney as “upset” and “disturbed” by criticisms from former ambassador Joseph C. Wilson that Bush had twisted intelligence to justify the war.

Libby told the grand jury “it seemed to me as if I was learning it for the first time” when, according to his account, NBC’s Tim Russert told him about Plame on July 10 or 11, 2003. Only later, when looking at his calendar and notes, Libby said, did he remember that he actually learned the information from Cheney in June 2003.

The noose is tightening around Cheney’s fat neck.

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6 Responses to Libby Describes Cheney as ‘Upset’ at Joe Wilson

  1. T. Mike Randall says:

    Poppy Bush won’t let Cheney go anywhere.

    He was hand-selected to babysit the “Kid” and perform all the heavylifting because Sonny is intellectually ill-equipped to carry out the duties of the job. Cheney will have to drop dead before the Bush klan allows for a change at the top of the power grid.

    Fitzgerald may go after Cheney for perjury in the Libby case but I’ve said all along it will occur once Bush is out of office. Cheney is too pivotal to the power structure of the globalists to be removed.

  2. feminazi says:

    Cheney was upset alright. Upset enought o blab the name of Joe Wilson’s wife to all the chatterboxes in his office and tell them to spread her name and identity to anyone who would listen. Cheney belongs in a Federal prison.

  3. Idaho Librul says:

    I heard the anchor on MSNBC say Tim “Pumpkinkead” Russert is the last prosecution witness and he’s scheduled for this afternoon. So is Cheney a defense witness? Is he do to take the stand at all? I mean, Cheney is central to the case so he has to make an appearance. Or so it would seem.

  4. Sock Puppet says:

    I think WaPo described Cheney as a witness for the defense which seems more that a little odd to me. The Special Prosecutor, Pat Fitzgerald seems to be building a case against Scooter Libby while casting his net broad enough to go after Cheney at some future point. Cheney’s statements to the jury could be used against himself in a future perjury case, if Fitzgerald choses to travel down that path.

    Russert’s appearance this afternoon is just anticlimatic. I think he’s so well prepared and reheared that it will be a big so what? by the time he’s through. But hey, I could be wrong.

  5. Jim says:

    So long fatso!!!

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