Israel Lied: Bombing Campaign Resumes in Lebanon

After the craven slaughter this past Sunday of 60 residents of Qana, Lebanon — most of whom were children, Israel said it would halt further military attacks for 48 hours while an investigation of the massacre is conducted.

Israel lied.

Today, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said there would be no cease-fire, and that Israeli forces continued fighting in the air, from the sea and on the ground in Lebanon.

“We are determined to succeed in this struggle,” he said. “We will not give up on our goal to live a life free of terror.” 

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9 Responses to Israel Lied: Bombing Campaign Resumes in Lebanon

  1. Harry says:

    I’ll be a son of a bitch. Those flip-flopping bastards.

  2. Lidgerwood says:

    Kick Israel’s ass. Kick it hard and don’t stop until the people in the Knesset wise up.

  3. Anonymous says:

    The voices of the anti-semetic left ring out and loud for all to hear!

  4. ChiTOM says:

    Look anonymous, there’s enough blame and finger pointing on all sides to go around for another 1,000 years, but what will that solve? Very little in my opinion.

    The fact is, this latest conflict began over the kidnapping of two Israeli soldiers by Hizbollah and the refusal to let them go without conditions.

    Does this give Israel the right to obliterate an entire nation and its people? If you agree that Israel has such a right, may I ask where you get such information and its source?

    This would’ve never reached the currest singular state of human catastrophe had the Bush administration forced Israel to swoop prisoners and demand a cease-fire.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Why won’t you leftists comdemn Hezbollah? Why? Are you on the payroll?

  6. Manu says:

    Netanyahu, the former Israeli Prime Minister, and his wingnut brand of fascists have finally got what they wanted all along: an American administration who wouldn’t ask the Likkuds to show some restraint when they launched a regional war to expand the northern border of Israel into Lebanon. When this is all said and done, Lebanon will be 50 miles smaller to the south and Israel will be 50 miles larger to the north. These fascist Likkuds don’t want the kidnapped soldiers returned, they want war and regional dominance.

  7. gay kitten says:

    Hey anonymous,

    Didn’t the people of Lebanon elect members of Hezbolla? Why are you so afraid of democracy?

  8. feminazi says:

    I have a question? What the hell happened to the Iraq war? It’s virtually disappeared from MSM television news.

  9. Joe in Colorado says:

    I have a question? What the hell happened to the Iraq war?

    Alive and well and as much a failure as it was 19 days ago, before the conflict in Lebanon erupted. But I think Bush is hoping maybe American voters will forget. In an election year, how useful would that be?

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