Eyewitness: Mass Burial in Lebanon

Still don’t think a cease-fire is needed?  

Eight days ago, the Lebanese Army buried 87 bodies in a mass grave in the city of Tyre. Today, they are laying another 34 in the ground.

Everyone is covering their face to keep out the stench as Lebanese soldiers remove dozens of bodies from the back of a truck. The first body is a day-old baby — killed in an Israeli airstrike, according to the Lebanese Army. On her coffin a marking shows she had no name.

(Watch as Tyre buries its dead — 2:13)

All have numbers. Coffin No. 104 has three names on it – Ali, Mohammed and Talib – all children. Nearby, Fatawi Horani is screaming and crying. Her granddaughter Marim, 15, was killed, she says, while trying to flee the fighting.

Three soldiers begin to struggle with a large body bag. Maggots are pouring from the bag – blood is seeping onto the ground. When they get the body into the coffin, the lid arches as doctors hammer nails into it.

Children are beginning to gather. It is images such as these that pass down a hatred of Israel to another generation.

Via: CNN

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4 Responses to Eyewitness: Mass Burial in Lebanon

  1. Joe in Colorado says:

    Jesus dude, this is some depressing shit. What’s the matter with these people? It’s like the Hatfield’s and the McCoy’s times 10,000.

  2. Brigadoon says:

    And Condi “Piano” Rice warbled something this morning about a cease fire being possible this week. If it pans out, I predict she will try to take credit for it, as will her boss, the most hated man on earth.

  3. Alcatel says:

    Just drove home for lunch and I heard the ABC news report.

    Bushco was on drawling on about “how Dr. Rice worked 24/7 to find a meaningful peace” in Lebanon. I laughed out loud at Bushco’s stupid remarks.

  4. Harry says:

    Bush is a sociopathic liar. Everything he says is a lie.

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