Dead Dem Walking

Could there be a more perfect characterization of Sen. Joe Lieberman?

Photo image courtesy of BBC

Writer Rick Gell at AlterNet hits the nail on the proverbial head.

As any mafia watcher knows, when a family member commits an act of betrayal, out of self interest, stupidity, jealousy or greed, eventually they must pay the price. And since the betrayer is family, any Sopranos or Godfather fan will tell you, justice may take years and the timing and location must be well planned. Luckily for Joe Lieberman, politics is less violent than the mob, but for Joe, the time has come.

Please read the entire essay HERE.

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4 Responses to Dead Dem Walking

  1. feminazi says:

    Joe’s my senator. I voted for him 2 times. I won’t vote for him next time. Hey Joe, you’ve stayed too long at the Fair and it’s time to hand the torch off to new blood and a genuine Democrat.

    It’s been nice, but not that nice.

  2. Upside says:

    You mean even the cynical appearance by Bill Clinton wasn’t sufficient to change voters negative opinion of Lieberman?

  3. Harry says:

    Lieberman does look a lot like a zombie these days.

  4. mbmdl says:

    Lieberman is getting campaign advice from his good buddy Dick Cheney. That tidbit came by way of a source speaking to Diane Rheem – the radio host out of Washington DC.

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