China Demands Formal Israeli Apology

CHINA said today it had summoned Israel’s ambassador in Beijing and demanded an apology over an Israeli air strike in Lebanon that killed a Chinese United Nations observer.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao said Chinese assistant foreign minister Zhai Jun had called in Israeli ambassador Yehoyada Haim this morning for an “emergency” meeting over yesterday’s incident.

“The Chinese side … demands that the Israeli side open a comprehensive investigation, apologise to the Chinese side and the victim’s family and help the Chinese side in carrying out the mourning activities,” Mr Haim was told, according to Liu.

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6 Responses to China Demands Formal Israeli Apology

  1. cabana boi says:

    I’m so sick of Israel and the “they walk on water” mentality accorded them. I say get over it – the Holocaust was more than half a century ago. Stop ging them a pass.

  2. Upside says:

    Israel’s behavior this past two weeks suggests several things:

    1.) they need to remove themselves from the United Nations
    2.) they’re been empowered by the neocons in the Bush administration
    3.) they intend to annex Lebanon and expand the size of the jewsih state
    4.) they’re not going to be happy until they kill everyone in Lebanon

    This begs the question? Who can stop them? From where I sit only the U.S. cab reign them in, but this administration refuses to do it.

  3. gay kitten says:

    Israel would never have had the guts to destroy Lebanon without the tacit backing of the Bush administration.

  4. Lidgerwood says:

    China should drop a bomb on Israel for payback. That’s the only thing that will knock any sense into these people. An eye for an eye, baby.

  5. Harry says:

    Last I heard Israel has apologized, but still refuses to take responsibility for their military’s actions. Ah, OK. Who are they going blame? Hezbollah?

  6. Jennifer says:

    I don’t know how you just get over something like the Holocaust, especially when it happened in such recent history. But, I do agree that it doesn’t give them a free pass to keep up this killing indiscriminately.

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