Nobel Peace Laureate Would like to Kill George Bush

Never think our illustrious president has lost his ability to bring out the very best in people. Case in post, Nobel Peace Laureate Betty Williams who remarked while speaking in Brisbane, Australia, “Right now, I would love to kill George Bush.” 

Ms Williams was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 30 years ago, when she circulated a petition to end violence in Northern Ireland after witnessing British soldiers shoot dead an IRA member who was driving a car. He veered on to the footpath, killing two children from one family instantly and fatally injuring a third.

Ms Williams’s petition had tens of thousands of Protestant and Catholic women walking the streets together in protest. Now the former office receptionist heads the World Centres of Compassion for Children International, a non-profit group working to create a political voice for children.

“I have a very hard time with this word ‘non-violence’, because I don’t believe that I am non-violent,” said Ms Williams, 64.

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9 Responses to Nobel Peace Laureate Would like to Kill George Bush

  1. Brigadoon says:

    Hahahahahahahaha! Leave it to the Chump from Crawford to turn a Nobel peace Laureate into an advocate of violence. Bush has a gift – like Midas, but whereas all that Midas touched turned to gold, all that Bush touches turns to shit.

  2. Rachel says:

    You mean the “uniter,” isn’t?

  3. feminazi says:

    I applaud Ms. Williams’ honesty. However, the Nobel Laureate may find herself at the end of a very long line that stretches around the globe. I’m 63 years old, lived through the McCarthy mess, Korea, the beginnings of the feminist movement, Vietnam and of course, Nixon, but through all those decades, never did I see an American president as universally reviled as George W. Bush. Even Nixon, who many thought was a kook, people at least respected his intelligence.  

  4. DaveS says:

    I think that the story reflects a bit more on the character of Ms. Williams than on George Bush. That is such a juvenile and classless statement… what has become of the Nobel Peace prize?

  5. Aloys says:

    I’m certain the remark was a figure of speech and not a reflection of literal intent by Ms. Williams.

    Thanks to the likes of President Bush, killing is up, up, and up in cities and towns in the USA and around the globe and most certainly in the Middle East.

    There can be no more killing. No more. No more suffering inflicted on the innocents.

  6. DaveS says:

    Thanks to the likes of President Bush, killing is up, up, and up in cities and towns in the USA and around the globe and most certainly in the Middle East.

    That’s an interesting assertion. Where might that be documented?

    And, for what it’s worth, the rate of death among Iraqis is actually down since the invasion, as unbelievable as it may sound. Under Hussen’s rule, something like 50,000 people died violently every year (on average).

    And certainly you weren’t meaning to imply that George Bush is killing people in the Middle East, when in fact it is actually jihadist doing the killing? That would be a fairly bizarre position to take, I think. If it is “suffering inflicted on the innocent” you are concerned about, then your anger is misdirected. It is religious fanatics throughout the middle east inflicting that suffering, specifically the Shia and Sunni militias, as well as al Queda operatives, in Iraq.

  7. Harry says:

    Betty Williams v. George Bush in the octagon. Any bets on sho would emerge the victor?

  8. mbmdl says:

    Betty, by 2 TKOs. 🙂

  9. rko says:

    Where are you getting the 50,000 statistic??

    Femi is talking about, for example the “collateral damage” from bombs that includes children.

    Or, for example, how Bush allows Israel to slaughter civilians and children in Israel with US-supplied planes. The Israeli army relies on US supplies. If Bush said the word, the slaughter of Lebanese would stop.

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