Israeli Airstrike Kills Four U.N. Observers


An Israeli airstrike hit a United Nations post in the southern Lebanon late Tuesday, killing four of the agency’s observers, according to the U.N. Interim Force in Lebanon.

UNIFIL sent a rescue-and-medical team to the city of Khiyam, and the team was trying to clear rubble early Wednesday. UNIFIL said there were at least 14 incidents of firing close to the post since Tuesday afternoon.

Since July 12, at least 392 people, mostly civilians, have been killed and as many as 1,383 wounded in Lebanon, Lebanese security officials said Tuesday.

Via: CNN

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6 Responses to Israeli Airstrike Kills Four U.N. Observers

  1. mbmdl says:

    The assault on Lebanon seems indiscriminate now. The Knesset seems to want to kill every Lebanese whether or not they have ties to Hezbollah. And BTW, is it “hiz” or hez?”

  2. Barking Dog says:

    CNN is reporting the attacks on the UNIFIL group was a deliberate attack by Israel.

    The dead were Chinese, French, Canadian and Belgium. If Israel was unpopular the much of the world before, wait until this story breaks tomorrow.

    What the hell is Israel thinking?

  3. DaveS says:

    They were probably shooting at the terrorists that tend to hang out right next to or with the UN guys.

  4. feminazi says:

    You don’t kill United Nations workers. Be they doctors, nurses, relief workers, or peace observers — UN staff are off-limits. But Israel plays by a different set of rules and my prediction is, they will get away with this misdeed.

  5. Matteo says:

    This coordinated artillery and aerial attack on a long-established and clearly marked U.N. post at Khiyam occurred despite personal assurances from Prime Minister Ehud Olmert that U.N. positions would be spared Israeli fire. This was not an accident. It was deliberate. It was also a violation of international law.

  6. Matteo says:

    This was no mistake on Israel’s part. Remember folks, Israel’s military doesn’t make mistakes – they have the best military money can buy – they have the USA’s military.

    Here’s more from CNN:

    The U.N. observers killed when an Israeli bomb hit their bunker in Lebanon Tuesday called an Israeli military liaison about 10 times in the six hours before they died to warn that aerial attacks were getting close to their position, a U.N. officer said.

    After each call, the Israeli officer promised to have the bombing stopped, an officer at the U.N. Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) base in Noqoura said.

    Israel’s actions shows a contemp for international law and a rejection of decency as a member of the world community.

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