Has Hillary Found Her Presidential Campaign Theme?

“It’s the American dream, stupid!” – Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY)

Left unguarded by skyrocketing gas prices, rising poverty, decreases in median wage, and the added cost of education, the Republicans were exposed today by Hillary Clinton, Tom Vilsack and a group of Democrats on the issue of sound economics:

It’s the American dream, stupid,” said the former first lady in a riff on her husband’s successful 1992 campaign mantra — “It’s the economy, stupid.” Democrat Bill Clinton served two terms in the White House.

They’re not taking care of America. They’re bankrupting our country and failing to address the problems,” the New York senator said, citing skyrocketing gas, college and health care costs and lamenting a GOPfailure to provide Americans with economic security.”

Once again America needs to work for everyone not just the privileged and the powerful,” Clinton said, adding that Democrats can be the “change agent” this fall by winning control of the House and Senate from Republicans.

Democrats know we must stop passing on debt to our children and start doing what’s best for our country and our children,” she said in a speech to moderates attending the annual meeting of the Democratic Leadership Council, a centrist think tank best known for helping her husband win the White House in 1992.

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12 Responses to Has Hillary Found Her Presidential Campaign Theme?

  1. Harry says:

    If Hillary can stay on message and expouse populists themes like these, and not get sucked into courting Red State conservatives who hate gays, women and minorities, she might have a chance in 08.’

  2. VicoDANIEL says:

    This is all well and good, but for this American, the fact remains Ms. Clinton is still an advocate of ‘separate, but equal’ when it comes to gay marriage, and until she makes her mind up to include ALL Americans in the dream, she will NOT get my support.

    Call me a single issue voter (aren’t we all to some extent?), but gay marriage may be the most important social and civil rights issue since slavery, in my view.

  3. metho says:

    I didn’t see a mention of what to do about black box voting and Diebold?

  4. pinhead says:

    Senator Clinton spend the weekend sucking up to the Zionist hoodlums who run NYC and issued a blood-dripped communique that Israel has every right to keep slaughtering innocent Lebanese, all in the name of security.

    I don’t think this is going to sell too well outside the island of Manhattan.

  5. Matteo says:

    Oh yeah, she’s running for president.

    From the DLC link:

    For 230 years, Americans have been united by a simple, common dream that tomorrow will be better than today. The promise of American life, handed on through a dozen generations, rests on this basic bargain: All of us should have the opportunity to live up to our God-given potential, and the responsibility to make the most of it.

    If this isn’t an acceptance speech, then I’ve never heard one and I’ve heard many.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I’m rather taken by a Condi/Hillary race. Imagine: 2 dykes running for leader of the Free World.

  7. Harry says:

    Matteo – I had the same take. Sounds like any boilerplate acceptance speech we’ve heard over the past 20 years from any politician. But I like the populist themes Hillary is using.

  8. Brigadoon says:

    Maybe Hillary started getting and listening to the political advice from her husband?

  9. Rachel says:

    This is such a heated topic that I tend to steer clear of commenting on anything having to do with Israel. I’ve been flamed enough times, thank you. While I think the military assault by Israel on Lebanon may’ve been overboard here, please keep one fact in mind: Hezbollah is a terrorist organization and responsible for carrying out reaaly hidious acts of violence against not only Israel, but the USA as well. The U.S. Marines barracks bombing that killed 200+ Marines was the work of Hezbollah.

  10. feminazi says:

    Me too, Rachel. No matter where you come down on this topic you’re bound to piss off someone or offend them. Worse still, if you lament the killing of innocent Lebanese citizens, someone will try to target you an anti-semite. It’s a no win topic.

  11. ChiTOM says:

    If I were to look into my crystal ball I’d venture Hillary will be out of the race before the primaries are over.

    Her ego may be large (what politician’s isn’t?), but she’s not stupid. When she sees the writing on the wall, she’ll step aside.

  12. Harry says:

    ChiTOM – Feingold/Warner? Feingold/Clark? Thoughts?

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