Quote of the Day

"Groups of roaming neo-Nazis stormed around the square looking for gays and lesbians to attack." – British gay activist, Peter Tatchell, describes brutal attacks during Moscow gay pride march

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4 Responses to Quote of the Day

  1. Mark says:

    Who ever listens to Peter Tatchell though? even 99% of gay activists thinks he is full of sh*t.

  2. Harry says:

    Mark, Just wondering, is CNN’s Matthew Chance full of shit too?


  3. gay kitten says:

    Wow! 10 years after the fall of communism and everyone in Russia is free except the gays. It figures.

  4. proud2be says:

    Oh no! Gays are the latest victims of post communist Russia? When the world was locked in Reagan’s echo chamber, admonishing Gorbechev to “tear down this wall,” it never occured to these rightwingers that after fascism ends, Nationalism takes root and Nationalism always needs a scapegoat.

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