DINO Lieberman Hangs Obama from the Lynching Tree

Remember the McCain-Obama battle? McCain put together a poorly constructed, bipartisan task force to address lobbying corruption reform in Congress and Obama first said he would support it, but later, upon review, decided it failed to address the very corruption it sought to end, so he pulled his support. McCain went ape-shit crazy and engaged in a series of vicious attacks against Obama.

MyDD reports Lieberman appeared (for the 1,000th time?) on IMUS yesterday and entered the fracas:

Well, on Imus this morning, Don Imus interviewed Lieberman. And while I don’t have the transcript yet, the gist of the conversation was as follows. Imus asked Lieberman about the fight, and Lieberman alleged that it was all a big misunderstanding and that both men had were interested in getting a good bipartisan bill out of the process. He implied that both men had cleared up the misunderstanding. Imus at that point interjected that McCain stands by his letter, and Lieberman changed course. Lieberman then said that McCain stood by his letter, and Obama stood by his letter, except that Obama probably wishes he were a little clearer.

And then Imus and Lieberman talked about Joe’s wife and how she leaves angry diatribes on his voice mail, and that he can just delete them. Finally, Lieberman added that he hopes it’s a one day story, on the third day of the story, on Imus. Later in the interview, he bragged about his work with McCain on some legislation. Looks like he made his choice.

Oh, and earlier in the interview, Lieberman agreed with Imus that there was “some nonsense” at Coretta Scott King’s funeral.

Why doesn’t Joementum just get on with it and switch parties? Clearly, he’s at odds with the core values and goals of the Democratic party and more aligned with the Bush administration. Plus, there’s still the promise of a possible cabinet position as payback for his loyality. Hey Joe, get lost.

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