The McCain-Palin Lynch Mob

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Please meet the McCain-Palin lynch mob at a recent Sarah Palin rally in Strongsville, OH. I can’t say that all Obama-haters are racists but this group in Ohio is among the dumbest I have ever witnessed in my life.

h/t: Cali Tejano

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16 Responses to The McCain-Palin Lynch Mob

  1. Dick Small says:

    Well, I didn’t pull up the video (i’m on dial up on a mountain, so it would take a day to pull up), so I’ll just take your word for it.

  2. Believe me, it’s pretty fucked up. The best part is that Strongsville is only a few suburbs over from where I live, so I’m not at all shocked. Cuyahoga may be a very blue county, but there are a LOT of cracker fuckers here, as well.

  3. Aunt Peg says:

    I’ve never been to Ohio and after watching this, I plan to never set foot in the state.

    I thought Texas was Looneyville but this group from Ohio takes the damned cake.

  4. dirti boi says:

    White trash America.

    They shouldn’t be let out of their cages and trailers.

  5. Peace Nick says:

    Chilling stuff.

    You can feel the racial hatred these Ohioans have for Barack Obama.

    I don’t understand it. I can see disagreeing with a candidate, but the animus is unlike anything I recall seeing directed at one man.

  6. chrisso says:

    Extremely ill informed is the best you can say.

  7. Harry says:

    I thought Ohio was a progressive state? Cities like Cleveland and Columbus aren’t backwaters.

  8. Rachel says:

    I love the African American conservative. He has the same glazed-over eyes that all the African American conservatives have that I see on TV. They’re like pod people. All the lights are on but nobody is home.

  9. Adirondacky says:

    Northern Ohio is more liberal than southern and southeastern Ohio. In fact, much of southeastern Ohio might as well be Appalachia — the poverty is that profound. I’m not familiar with Strongsville but I used to have relatives in Parma — a suburn of Cleveland and they are doctors and extremely liberal.

  10. Sasha in MN says:

    Reminds me of four years ago before the election, some reporter was in Ohio and interviewing locals. A man probably in his mid thirties with missing teeth was miked up. He said “I am voting for Bush, Go Bush, we need a strong leader during the war” The reporter then brought up what he had shared before being miked up. He had recently lost his job and barley surviving on unemployment, but he said” Yeah, I am broke and have no job but go Bush!!!”….go figure, Ohio has some strange drinking water.

  11. jazzy says:

    Hey Aunt Peg not all of us from Texas are loony 🙂 I know Dubya has given us a bad name, but I think even the loonies are starting to wake up.

    Obama ’08

  12. Fran says:

    Ignorance & Racism– quite the platform.
    Really sad to witness the vengence & hatred.
    I can only hope that the tactic totally backfires.

  13. Shit ,I’m sorry I’m from Ohio.One of the veterans hospital is in Strongville .They are that stupid.It’s close to Cleveland,REAL CLOSE.What can I say?Damn, I gotta talk to them and change their minds.Fucked up isn’t it.Pray for me even you’re libhom.They are that dumb.

  14. Peter Piper says:

    They’re going to vote for the brainless pit-bull beauty queen and the guy who wants more tax breaks for the super wealthy (in the middle of a recession).

    Jesus, these people are DUMB, DUMB, DUMB!

  15. Gonchme says:

    These are the responses you get at a McCain/Palin “rally.” In Cuyahoga, at a Obama/Biden rally, the responses would of course be much different.

    Nevertheless, the power of the mind to distort reality to fit into preconceived notions is impressive (if depressing) to observe.

    No country is perfect, but it is progress that residuals like this will be left behind as grown-ups in the nation vote and move us forward.

  16. Ward says:

    A few people asked leading questions by a biased “interviewer” do not a lynch mob make.

    Most of the evil things circulated about Palin are lies. It will come out after the election, when nobody cares.

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