Hillary Clinton Says Only Whites Matter

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Hillary Rodham Clinton vowed Wednesday to continue her quest for the Democratic nomination, arguing she would be the stronger nominee because she appeals to whites who won’t support Barack Obama for president.

From USAToday:

“I have a much broader base to build a winning coalition on. Sen. Barack Obama’s support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me.”

Clinton rejected any idea that her emphasis on white voters could be interpreted as racially divisive.

“These are the people you have to win if you’re a Democrat in sufficient numbers to actually win the election. Everybody knows that.”

Clinton can take comfort in the knowledge she enjoys the support of the Ku Klux Klan.

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33 Responses to Hillary Clinton Says Only Whites Matter

  1. Larry says:

    That from the wife of the guy who boasts of being “America’s First Black President.”

  2. Christopher says:

    The Borg Queen is speaking in code.

    She’s banking on most people not understanding who she’s appealing to and why. Hillary is a classic “Seven Sisters girl” and she knows exactly what she’s doing.

  3. VicoDANIEL says:

    Excellent catch.

    I read the USAToday yesterday and I managed to miss this troubling quote. I think my brain is on overload from too much election coverage crammed into too few days.

    There is no question who Hillary Clinton is appealing to. The amazing thing is, I don’t think she’s even speaking in code anymore. Clinton isn’t building a broad base of multi-cultural support — far from it, she’s a backwoods elite, building a coalition of support from Confederate flag waving, Bible thumping and yes, racist whites, who would rather lynch Barack Obama than elect him to be the 44th president.

    Thank you for catching this, man.

  4. Rachel says:

    Hillary Clinton is clearing reaching out to white, rural Americans because she knows they are her peeps. This isn’t a “broad based coalition,” but a narrow coalition made up of members from Hillbilly nation. Just when I didn’t think I could despise her more.

  5. TOM339 says:

    Wow. I don’t what to say.

    I don’t see USA Today so I wouldn’t have seen what Hillary said if you hadn’t posted this blog entry.

    I am reminded of another racist elite who ran for the Louisiana senate more than a decade ago: David Duke. He too was bottle blonde, had plastic surgery and made millions writing books and giving speeches to audiences who believed their way of life was under assault from rights being extended to African Americans, Hispanics and gays. Duke was embraced by the rural gun crowd and his neo-Nazi rhetoric was carefully processed through the linguistic filter higher education provided him.

    I don’t think I will ever be able to look at Hillary Clinton the same way after reading this. She will always be suspect now.

  6. Brigadoon says:

    I have some coded language for Hillary. Eat shit and die, bitch. Take your racism back to Chappqua and burn a few crosses on your well manicured lawn. You aren’t going to be the nominee and you’re are not going to be the next president.

  7. Albemarle says:

    What a crock.

    Only angry, frustrated and bitter supporters of Obama could find anything racist in Sen. Clinton’s words.

  8. joost says:

    The Hillbots are enchanted by the notion that 25% of Hillary’s base won’t vote for Barack Obama in the GE. They cite this as proof Hillary needs to be the nominee to beat John McCain.

    Here’s the flaw in their argument.

    Polls show as many as 23% of Repugs will crossover and vote for Obama against Hillary and against McCain in the GE. If this number holds it suggests two things to me:

    1.) at least a quarter of Repugs reject the racism that has characterized their party for decades
    2.) at least a quarter of Repugs recognize Obama is the superior candidate in the race

  9. taco says:

    This isn’t a “broad based coalition,” but a narrow coalition made up of members from Hillbilly nation.

    I never accepted the campaign spin that Hillary had a broad coalition of support.

    If she did, she wouldn’t have to loan herself $11 million dollars to keep the light on.

  10. Bill Hussein O'Reilly says:

    I HATE her.
    I HATE her.
    I HATE her.
    I HATE her.
    I HATE her.

    Did I say I HATE her?

  11. Rachel says:

    Joost – I hadn’t seen reports that 23% of Republicans plan to vote for Obama. This is a huge number. I wonder though, are they voting for Obama, or against McCain? I guess it doesn’t really matter as long as it helps elect Barack.

  12. Tiny Dancer says:

    Thank you for posting this. I hadn’t heard a mention of it on cable MSM. Either they’re afraid to touch it or they agree with Hillary and are afraid to say it.

  13. Diane says:

    This must be why her campaign is working hard to have voting booths set up ouside all the trailer parks and Piggly Wigglies in West Virginia and Kentucky.

  14. I can only hope that voters in KY & WV aren’t blinded by the Clinton headlights like the poor ‘rural’ sheeple were here in PA…

    The campaign strategy is to go after the major Democratic politicians in each state to have them endorse Hillary, that way they get the sheeple to follow.

    Yes, I’m still “bitter” here in PA.

  15. Tiny Dancer says:

    I’m afraid there are a lot of Hillary’s peeps in KY & WV. I hate to generalize about rural white voters but every poll I’ve seen suggests these will be big states for Hillary. Even though it won’t change the election.

  16. Paul says:

    Funny how she conveniently ignores the fact that no democratic candidate in recent history has won the general election without the African-American vote.

    The African-American vote that she is losing by 90+ points.

  17. feminazi says:

    Hillary Clinton certainly doesn’t speak for this white, feminist woman and I would just as soon sit out the 2008 election before pulling the lever in the voting place marked with her name on it. I am weary of the Clintons and what they represent. If Obama isn’t the Democratic nominee, I will stay home November 7th.

  18. Woodcliffe says:

    Isn’t Nobel Laurette Maya Angelou endorsing Hillary Clinton?

    I wonder how she feels knowing her girl says the white vote matters most and 90% of African Americans are rejecting the Clintons?

    If Angelou is still endorsing Clinton she’s drowning in a river called Denial.

  19. Winnie H. says:

    A well-known Bill Clinton quote goes something like this….”In the primaries you fall in love, but in the general election you fall in line.”

    If Hillary thinks she has this exclusive base then it’s going to her sole responsibility to make sure they all “fall in line” behind the duly elected Democratic nominee, Barack Obama.

    I just wish someone would ask her this question…”Hillary, how you plan to ensure that your supporters fall in line — as your husband puts it — and vote for Barack Obama this fall?”

    It should be made clear to her that her entire political career, and the Clinton legacy, rests on her delivering these votes to Obama in the fall.

  20. loomisnews says:

    Clinton rules say we have to let the reactionary racists, turncoats, and “Operation Chaos” Republicans tell the Democrats whom to nominate for prez.

    Clinton quote(It must be real, I found it on the internet):
    “I am more electable because I am white. Barack Obama–Wow!–he’s certainly inspired a lot of hope, but as the superdelegates make up their minds, they should remember that Barack Obama is black. They should also remember that a whole lot of white working-class Americans are racists. White racists are an important part of the Democratic Party, and time and time again, they’ve supported me because I am white.

    I am ready on day one to govern as your white American president.”

    Mebbe the supradupradelegates will pick Jeb Bush to run as a Democrat — a real Bush beats an semi-Bush every time.

    We Are Clin-Ton. Resistance Is Futile.

  21. emcee says:

    The Clintons played the black community like a fiddle in the Grand Old Opry orchestra.

    Wise up my brothers and sisters. Hillary ain’t gonna’ let you sleep in the Big House. She has a place for ya’ out back with the cars and the smoked meat.

  22. Mauigirl says:

    Her appeal is narrow and those blue collar white voters are not enough to get her elected, without the help of the “elitist” higher educated liberal voters, the new young people Obama has brought in, and most of all, the African American community. If anyone believes what she is saying they are being naive. Let’s hope the superdelegates see right through her.

  23. I am just going to say it, I confess I have relatives , Kin, down in Kentucky and West Virgina- and I can tell you that they won’t be fooled for a minute by a Carpetbagger Elitist Bitch from the North, and they too are Ready for Change, and they know racism when they see it, the other implication is that People of Color are NOT hardworking?…and no one has said this- BUT Kentucky and West Virginia also often vote very similiar to Virginia, Maryland- and those two state , went against perdictions and went for Obama……I watched the press conference yesterday that she gave, after she just got booed at her little throw together rally….( basically said the same thing that was in the USA Today article)….

  24. Aunt Peg says:

    Oh for Christ’s sake. Where are the leaders of the Democratic party?

    Gore and Reid and Pelosi can pull the plug on this nightmare in a single meeting with Hillary. All that needs to happen is for Reid to make it clear if she doesn’t go away, when she returns to the Senate, she will be removed from her committee positions and relegated to serving coffee to tour groups.

  25. Bel Ami says:

    These coded comments are the sort of things people mention when they cite all the reasons they hate politics and more precisely, politicians. I am still not convinced Hillary isn’t trying to create doubt about Obama, resulting in the election of John McCain. At 72, he’s not likely to serve a second term and the door will be open for her to run in 2012.

  26. well…..Chris…this is HOW good you are….Keith opened with her Most Recent Statement- compared her to Nixon…lordy….what a race card to play – less than 48 Hours after the Primary…and Now Keith is playing the tape” whites in both states” she said it LOUD and clear…holy cow…they have her ON TAPE saying it……she should just hand out pillow cases at her rallies from now on….

  27. Kellybelle says:

    She makes me wanna holla. Whatever Barack does she dismisses. If he wins a caucus; they don’t count. If he wins a state, it’s not a “big” state. If Black people support him, only undereducated whites count. When he wins the presidency, I guess it won’t be the executive branch.

  28. Cali Tejano says:

    Fuck the KKKlan vote.

  29. Sasha in MN says:

    Let me rephrase for HRC; only the ignorant white vote matters. She who has more education in her pinky finger and isn’t capable of pumping gas nor get coffee out of a dispenser in a convenience store, who has donated more money to her own campaign than most people will make in half or entire lifetime can truly bite on the rotten bait she flails… that she empathizes and knows the hard working middle class and poors’ grievances and will fight for them. I recall a reason why Obama doesn’t plan to run again in the future is that he will be making too much money to connect with the everyday people of this nation.

  30. kid says:

    They say only a small percentage of Blacks live in West Virginia, don’t you believe it.A lot of West Virginians “pass”. The Mayor of Cleveland who looks Italian (and is) is also black. His family is from W.V.So a lot of those “bitter” people have black inlaws.

  31. .
    It’s just sad.

    I could easily have voted for Hillary Clinton. I would have been happy to pull the lever for our first female President.

    I got to like Obama better, but I could still have voted for Hillary, if she won the nomination fair & square.

    But then she just flushed all sense of decency and decorum down the toilet. And after eight years of that pickin’ & grinnin’ white yard-ape Dubya carrying MY flag on the world stage, I just could not take any more such debased foolishness.

    Now this: What George Wallace called “out-niggerin’.” The old Dixiecrat way of campaigning. Hell, the old Dixiecrat way of life!

    Sorry, but several sweet young black girl-children died in church-bombings back in those days, along with a lot of other very very very good people. And I like to think that their deaths meant something, those poor innocent little girls. Like, we can NEVER go back to that shit. NEVER.

    But you Hillary, you can go back there, I see. So, like the Dixiecrats, you are history, Mizz Clinton. And not the good history you could have been.

    What were you thinking?

    From Wikipedia’sHistory of the KKK:

    “The Klan’s resurgence in the 1920s partially stemmed from the extreme militant wing of the temperance movement. In Arkansas, as elsewhere, the newly formed Ku Klux Klan marked bootleggers as one of the groups that needed to be purged from a morally upright community. In 1922, 200 Klansmen torched saloons that had sprung up in Union County in the wake of the oil discovery boom. The national Klan office ended up in Dallas, Texas, but Little Rock was the home of the Women of the Ku Klux Klan. The first head of this female auxiliary was a former president of the Arkansas WCTU.”

    So, Hillary won’t be drinking in the Bible Belt, I’m guessing…

  32. Citizen Crisp says:

    Little Rock was the home of the Women of the Ku Klux Klan? I had no idea.

    No wonder Hillary was so at home there.

  33. libhomo says:

    I despise the KKKlintons.

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