Geraldine Ferraro Plays the Race Card

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Hillary Clinton certainly has surrounded herself with some fascinating female supporters. One such woman is Geraldine Ferraro.

Ferraro recently uttered a statement that is so racially charged and offensive that even I was taken aback and I’ve heard just about everything from stupid politicians.

As the only woman ever to be selected by a major political party for the position of vice president of the United States, “Gerry” Ferraro said:

“If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept.”

It’s a sad comment on members of the Democratic party who can’t resist the urge to play the race card by attacking Barack Obama in a furtive to elevate Hillary Clinton.

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30 Responses to Geraldine Ferraro Plays the Race Card

  1. Harry says:

    Who knew Geraldine Ferarro wears a Klan hat?

  2. TOM339 says:

    Isn’t Geraldine Ferarro an arch feminist and an outspoken proponent for women’s rights?

    This makes me wonder now. I mean, we had Bill Clinton playing the race card in South Carolina with his ugly Jesse Jackson crack and now we have Ferarro saying Obama is where he is because of the color of his skin.

    Very troubling stuff.

  3. feminazi says:

    I’m very disappointed to read this. Ferarro was something of a hero to me back when Mondale asked her to run with him. Her comments are mean and insensitive and she really needs to get off the Clinton gravytrain and return to her daytime job as a corporate lobbyist.

  4. Brigadoon says:

    Gerry Ferarro is an ugly, old hag. Her remarks reek of something David Duke or Michael Savage would say. I have to wonder if her view is shared by the Queen Bee, Hillary Clinton? You know what they say about water finding its own level.

  5. Jenna Bush Stole My ID says:

    If this Clinton mealticket thangy doesn’t work out for Gerry, she can always get a job as a klan seamstress.

  6. taco says:

    If this Clinton mealticket thangy doesn’t work out for Gerry, she can always get a job as a klan seamstress.

    ROFLMAO! Ouch!

    Something tells me she’s been a klan seamstress for more years that she’s been a politician.

  7. gasdocpol says:

    I think maybe cerebral arteriosclerosis is taking its toll and Gerry is getting a little soft upstairs.

  8. Sasha in MN says:

    HRC really brings out the worst in people, the recent remarks of Ferarro and Gloria Steinem make me shudder and realize how stagnant their minds have become.

  9. Winnie H. says:

    Very ugly and offensive remarks, indeed.

    And, of course, the great irony is that Hillary is the one who would not be “in this position” if she was not the spouse of a former President.

  10. Paul says:


  11. stradella says:

    Sometimes I really hate white women.

    In fact, often I hate white women.

    They smile at sisters and pretend to be our friend, then stab us in the back with the sort of racist shit that Geraldine Ferarro stabbed Barack Obama with, and always, they smile at cha’ while they do it.

  12. DMason says:

    Ferarro is a tired, old douchebag. But the good news is, the more she flaps her cakehole and makes a fool of herself and a fool of Hillary, the more presidential Barack Obama looks to the voters of America. Keep talking, Gerry. Just stay the course.

  13. mbmdl says:

    This reminds me of the old phrase, “With friends like these, who needs enemies?” Hillary enjoys some very controversial superdelegate support. Between Gov. Eliot Spitzer and his hooker scandal and Geraldine Ferarro claiming Obama is just a lucky negro, you really have to wonder who is in-charge of Team Hillary? I think they have a serious problem at a management level.

  14. Matteo says:

    Obama’s chief strategist, David Axelrod, called Hillary Clinton on her racist bullshit in the piece appearing in the Politico.

    Obama’s chief strategist, David Axelrod, grouped former Rep. Geraldine Ferraro’s suggestion that Obama owes some part of his success to the fact that he’s black with other gaffes by Clinton backers Robert Johnson and Bill Shaheen, and with Clinton’s “own inexplicable unwillingness” to flatly deny that Obama is a Muslim in a “60 Minutes” interview.

    “All this is part of an insidious pattern that needs to be addressed,” he said.

    Axelrod asked “whether she’s trying to send a signal to her supporters that anything goes.”

    Axelrod called on Clinton to drop Ferraro from her finance committee.

    “When you wink and nod at offensive statements you’re really sending a signal to your supporters that anything goes,” he said.

    He also responded to a question about Clinton spokesman Howard Wolfson, who he described as a friend.

    “He has assumed a kind of junkyard dog role in this campaign,” he said.

  15. joost says:

    Howard Wolfson should be waterboarded.

    He’s every bit as odorous as Karl Rove and plays fast and loose with facts and details. Why am I not even remotely surprised to see Wolfson working for Hillary Clinton?

  16. PoliShifter says:

    Geraldine who?

  17. Pingback: Black People and Their Damn Privileges | Prose Before Hos

  18. Larry says:

    She forgets all the whining she was doing during her run for Vice President, when she was under constant attack.

  19. while the press reports that obama is getting the
    black vote here and there and ferarro mentions it
    she’s all of a sudden a racist to all those racist
    whiners out there. give it up.

  20. Rachel says:

    Valentin – Read what Ferarro said. She said the only reason Obama is where he is in life and in this race is due to his ethnicty. In other words, his educational and professional accomplishments aren’t real. Her stinging remarks are a slap in the face of every African American who worked hard, overcame racism and became a success in this country.

  21. California Dreamin' says:

    Thank you, Rachel.

    Geraldine Ferarro said Obama is lucky he was born black. I get it. Black people get it. Most people get it.

    You’d have to be braindead not to get it. Like Valentin.

  22. Rough Daddy says:

    The Hillbots are a new breed of shit merchants and Geraldine Ferarro is their leading foot soldier. I think it’s important to rememeber that Ferarro is one of FOX Noise’s go to gals when they want the POV of the left. Of course, Ferarro doesn’t speak for the left — she speaks for Hillary Clinton. She’s old, and tired, and ugly, and stupid. I hope she crawls back under her rock and dies. The Hillbots are an embarrassment to all women.

  23. Gryphen says:

    You know by the time this presidential race is over I will not have ANY Democrat heroes left!

    I was a big fan of Ferraro, and even preferred her to Mondale who I thought was a little wimpy in my eyes.

    This is simply one of the dumbest things to throw out there when your candidate is a woman who would probably never have had ANY shot at this nomination if she was not married to the ex-president of the the United States.

  24. joe in oklahoma says:

    actually someone needs to point out to Ferraro that if any other candidate had said and done in the last 8 weeks what Hillarity and her campaign has done, they would be gone. gone!

    Hillarity is only in this race because her name is Hillarity Clinton.
    that is the only reason.

  25. Randy Arroyo says:

    If you liked Geraldine Ferarro’s crack, get used to it because this is precisely what a Hillary Clinton administration will be like. Aging, angry feminists who feel empowered to hurl all kinds of crap at men and get away with it because their High Priestess is the president of the United States. No thanks, if Hillary Clinton is elected president I will seriously consider taking a job in South America or Europe.

  26. Bill Perdue, RainbowRED says:

    As the Clinton and Obama camps duke it out for the nomination the tempo of ’race’ baiting and muslim baiting by the Clinton campaign has picked up speed since Bill Clinton started it a few weeks ago.

    Now Ferraro’s openly appealing to racist sentiments with the silly suggestion that Obama is repressing whites and women because he has more delegates. Ferraro’s right about Obama being lucky, but it’s not because of his African American heritage. Obama’s lucky because people know much more about the Clintons and their heritage – DOMA, DADT, NAFTA, her ardent support for the genocidal war, her union busting history with Wal-Mart and NAFTA and the mean spirited attacks on people on welfare, Medicare and unemployment.

    The Clintons heritage destroyed the Democrats. In 1992 they controlled the White House, most state governors and both Houses of Congress. Because of the unpopularity of the Clintons’ policies, and his fondness for backstabbing everyone in sight, the Democrats were routed. They lost the Congress, all but a third of the governorships and the White House in 2000 and 2004.

    The real truth is that there are few substantial differences between Obama, Clinton and McClain on the main questions that face the GLBT communities. That aside, we should all condemn the use of race and muslim baiting in the campaign as roundly as we condemn the routine pandering to gay bashers by Clinton and Obama. The Republicans, cued by the Clinton campaign, are already polling to see how far they can go and as we know from the murders last month, when bigotry of any kind is injected into election year politics people get killed.

  27. Kellybelle says:

    Ferraro’s comments were just unnecessary. Is she suggesting that Obama is the Affirmative Action candidate? Please. There were plenty of white men who had as much experience as Barack if not less: GWB, Clinton, Kennedy.

  28. Jim says:

    Well, Geraldine, the “concept” is to select a candidate to run for President who has a chance of winning and cleaning up the DISASTER created by the current clown in office and his enablers, like Hillary Clinton.

  29. Mauigirl says:

    This is the kind of thing you expect from the GOP – it’s shameful that it’s coming from one of our own.

  30. proudprogressive says:

    Damn talk about a flashback to the freakin past. Someone seriously needs to give these people a huge cup of shut the fuck up. The ugliness that is freakin watch – McPain is crouched as are the fundies ready to vote and pounch like the lock step fascists they are…I heard ferraro chimed in , and just wanted to freakin wretch….christ on a crutch…

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