Sunday, February 24, 2008

2006/2008: Newsday Reviewed Clinton’s Statements, Concluded She Supported NAFTA. According to a Newsday issues rundown, “Clinton thinks NAFTA has been a boon to the economy.” Newsday wrote in 2008, the word “boon” was their “characterization of how we best understood her position on NAFTA, based on a review of past stories and her public statements.” (New York Newsday, 9/11/96)

2003: Hillary Clinton Expounded on Benefits of NAFTA, Calling it An Important Legislative Goal. “Creating a free trade zone in North America—the largest free trade zone in the world—would expand U.S. exports, create jobs and ensure that our economy was reaping the benefits, not the burdens, of globalization. Although unpopular with labor unions, expanding trade opportunities was an important administration goal. The question was whether the White House could focus its energies on two legislative campaigns at once . I argued that we could and that postponing health care would further weaken its chances.” (Living History, 182)

2003: Clinton Called NAFTA a “Victory” For President Clinton. In her memoir, published in 2003, Clinton wrote, “Senator Dole was genuinely interested in health care reform but wanted to run for President in 1996. He couldn’t hand incumbent Bill Clinton any more legislative victories, particularly after Bill’s successes on the budget, the Brady bill and NAFTA.” (Living History, p.231)

1998: Clinton Praised Corporations for Their Efforts On Behalf of NAFTA. The Buffalo News reported, “As first lady, Hillary Clinton had nothing to do with either trade move. Nor has she repudiated them. In a 1998 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, she praised corporations for mounting “a very effective business effort in the U.S. on behalf of NAFTA.” (Buffalo News (New York), 7/16/07)

1996: Clinton Said “I Think Everybody Is In Favor Of Free And Fair Trade. I Think NAFTA Is Proving Its Worth.” A questioner pointed out that UNITE opposes the North American Free Trade Agreement, backed by the Clinton administration, on grounds it sends American jobs to Mexico. In March 1996, three years after President Clinton signed NAFTA into law, Hillary Clinton said, “I think everybody is in favor of free and fair trade. I think NAFTA is proving its worth,” she said, adding that if American workers can compete fairly, they can match any competition. “That’s what a free and fair trade agreement like NAFTA is all about,” she said. (AP, 3/6/96)

SOURCE: Obama 2008

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  1. Pingback: Presidential election 2008 |Republicans Vs. Democrats » HILLARY CLINTON PRAISED NAFTA FOR YEARS

  2. libhomo says:

    I’m just glad that NAFTA is becoming controversial again.

  3. DMason says:

    As I’ve said before, if Mrs. Clinton is taking credit for her husband’s administration (“I have 35 years of experience”) then she must also admit she supported NAFTA.

  4. Larry says:

    If I had helped my spouse push a bill into effect that cost millions of Americans their jobs, and will continue to cost millions more, I would try and change the subject from what I had done as well.

  5. Bill Perdue, RainbowRED says:

    Press Release from CommonDreams.Org on Obama and Clintons suppport for extending the NAFTA treaties.

    “WASHINGTON – December 4 – Although not one U.S. labor, environmental, Latino, consumer, faith or family farm group supported the Peru free trade agreement (FTA), a majority of Senate Democrats today broke with their base, dismissed widespread public opposition to more-of-the-same trade policy and joined Republicans to deliver another Bush NAFTA expansion to the large corporations pushing this deal… Sens. Hillary Clinton of New York and Barack Obama of Illinois support it. Clinton and Obama’s support for the Peru FTA… should make voters wonder just what sort of trade policy Clinton and Obama really support.”

    It’s easy to tell why Billary Clinton supports NAFTA extensions. She’s a hand puppet of Wal-Mart – “Always Low Wages.” After all she was on their board of directors for six years and learned all about union busting, the prime ingredient of the NAFTA treaties.

    But why does Obama support the PeruFTA? Who pulls his strings? I guess we’ll just have to wait to find out.

  6. joost says:

    Hillary sat on WalMart’s board of directors and sat on her hands when workers tried to unionize.

    For her to market herself as some sort of friend to labor now is appallingly disingenuous.

    No wonder the SEIU and the Teamsters have endorsed Obama.

  7. thepoetryman says:

    National Albatross Flogging The Americas (and the world)

  8. Jim says:

    NAFTA needs to go. It has caused dramatic wear and tear on the highway system in Texas with the huge increase in heavy truck traffic while contributing mightily to pollution. Plus, the dramatic increase in vehicles has resulted in more and more traffic accidents.

  9. Dusty says:

    After doing a little googling myself, I have corrected my writeup about Obama’s mailers and agree that Hillary has supported NAFTA many more times than she has been negative about it. Thanks for pointing it out on my post Christopher..I stand corrected and FactCheck.org should recheck their facts.

    I have given you proper credit in my post in the form of an update 😉

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