Oprah/Obama South Carolina Event Moved to Football Stadium


Someone once said, “Never underestimate the power of Oprah.” Truer words were never said.

Demand for tickets to see Oprah Winfrey appear with presidential hopeful, Barack Obama in South Carolina on Sunday is so high that the campaign moved the event to an 80,250-seat football stadium.

The Obama team and is doing away with tickets because of the strong demand and switching the event to the Williams-Brice Stadium, the home to the University of South Carolina Gamecocks.

This was the biggest venue the campaign could find in Columbia.

The event is free and open to the public, and tickets are no longer necessary for admittance, but people are encouraged to RSVP online at sc.barackobama.com/oprah_sc.

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12 Responses to Oprah/Obama South Carolina Event Moved to Football Stadium

  1. I am so jealous that I cannot see the O/O tour. This is going to be huge and only add to Barack’s growing momentum in the early primary states.

  2. Christopher says:

    You and me both, friend!

    I would love to pile in my SUV and head on down to S.C. to see these two, towering figures of American culture.

    I promise to have youtube video up if they become available.

  3. Harry says:

    This sounds like it’s going to be a HUGE event for Barack! I’m in San Diego, so getting across country for me right now is impossible. Please post video!

  4. Bill Perdue, RainbowRED says:

    Will gaybasher McClurkin, a bigot who claims that being gay is a curable disease, be featured at this latest Obama rally? What about the other bigots like Mary Mary and Hezekiah Walker. The National Black Justice Coalition, commenting on them said “collectively these artists have spoken aggressively against the LGBT community without apology.”

    Lets hope not they won’t be there. The “Reverend” McClurkin says being gay is a choice. He supports the illegal incarceration of GLBT youth in private religious jails where they’re subjected to psychological and even physical torture to make them ‘choose’ to be straight. There will undoubtedly be young gay folk at the rally and they shouldn’t be exposed to McClurkin’s garbage.

    Even an unprincipled sellout like Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese took time out from his uncontrollable fundraising labors to say he was “disappointed” when McClurkin’s pro-Obama gospel tour rolled through redneck country this fall.

    “There is no gospel in Donnie McClurkin’s message for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people and their allies,” Solmonese said. “That’s a message that certainly doesn’t belong on any presidential candidate’s stage.”

    Certainly not when children and young people are present.

  5. DMason says:

    HRC President Joe Solmonese is a loyal Hillaryite even though she refuses to endorse the repeal of DOMA. Solmonese also flip-flopped on ENDA including transgendered rights and supported the re-election of Joe Lie-berman over Ned Lamont last year. He is the more controversial LGBT leader around and certainly doesn’t speak of all of us.

  6. TOM339 says:

    My daughters were Obama supporters before Oprah announced she would campaign for him.

    They’re absolutely crazy about him. Particularly, my oldest girl. She says he is the only candidate able to cleanup the country after 8 years of the ruinous Bush era.

  7. dad2059 says:

    Obama’s got the mojo going for him alright.

    He’s got a ways to go before he stops the HRC machine though, even with the Oprah brand-name marketing.

    The “Asbestos Pantsuit” ain’t gonna go down in flames that easily.

  8. FranIAm says:

    I remain open but unconvinced about Obama and sadly for me, Oprah does not sweeten the pot.

    That said, I remain open. And I will vote for whomever the Dem candidate turns out to be.

  9. Woodcliffe says:

    I don’t think the pundits know what to make of the Oprah factor.

    She defies category. She may very well be the most powerful cultural icon in this era and when she speaks, people listen. When Oprah speaks, my wife acts as if she’s heard the words of Jesus.

    Oprah is a singular force of nature.

  10. Larry says:

    How many stadiums has Hillary packed?

  11. Reggie says:

    Hillary is swill. I don’t trust her as far as I can throw her. She can’t be trusted.

  12. Pingback: Decline and Fall of Common Sense: Oprah, Allow Us Voters to Form Our Own Opinions

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